Women's psychology includes all psychological topics related to women and their experiences. When examining women's psychology, it is necessary to consider social issues such as the role of women in history and how women are characterized. The social structure, which was previously in favor of men, kept women separate in the field of psychology, and women could not gain a place in this discipline. Recently, as a result of some developing sensitivities and women's struggles, women have managed to gain an important place in psychology.
Old studies defended the superiority of men over women, and studies in the field of psychology focused on white men. This situation removes psychology from being a science that can be attributed to all humans and animals and diverts it from its purpose. This perception, which is also the basic myth of Darwinism, was later refuted with experimental evidence under the leadership of female psychologists such as Leta Hollingworth, Helen Thompson and Mary Calkins.
When examining psychology from a feminist perspective, concepts such as race, ethnic identities and class are interpreted in different cultures. Their different meanings make it difficult to reach a general view, requiring people to interpret them individually within their own culture and social environment.
The most common criticism of the feminist view of scientific psychology in research methods is that male biases form the basis of scientifically flawed information. A second criticism is the excessive use of scientific methods in psychology. The basis of this view is that science is cold towards the female structure and does not take into account valid values outside the laboratory.
Explaining whether female development and stereotypical female behavior is innate or acquired has an important place in female psychology. It is expected that this will be examined under many subheadings. (Stereotype acquisition, family, media, school, and friends) It does not always show parallels with men. Therefore, attitudes and research towards women and men should be pursued in this direction.
Safety in women Depressive disorders represent the fifth leading cause of illness for all other physical disorders and mental illnesses, and the seventh leading cause of illness for men. Approaches to understanding the prevalence of psychological illnesses in women can be placed into four categories; 1. Person-oriented: Focuses on the severity of women's reaction to stressful events and the risk or resistance to contracting the disease due to biological and psychological characteristics, 2. Situation-oriented: Focuses on the effect of stress in relation to gender role and life conditions, 3. Interactionist: Women's views on events and their ability to cope with events It examines the relationships between the first item, which includes internal and external sources for the disease, 4. Methodological: It explains the excess with artifacts such as measurement, sampling, lack of control or bias in diagnosis.
Women who have experienced trauma such as rape and domestic violence are more likely to experience stress. or have been shown to be prone to depression. Traumatic situations are expected to be eliminated first and then try to reduce their effects. Such issues are closely related to values in different geographies, so we must take them into consideration in order to make sense of the situations and try to find a solution. Of course, researchers have touched upon the difficulty of comparison and the problems of not reporting abuse due to differences in how cultures interpret violence.
In evaluations of success and gender, it is assumed that women are motivated to seek the approval of other people rather than the general perception of perfection in their motivation for success. Old studies also explained that women in that period showed lower levels of achievement motivation. Discrimination against women in work and family roles is related to the impact of the quality of the roles assigned to them on mental health.
Effective studies in the field of women's psychology will ensure that psychological science is carried out properly and that explanations and methods are developed that are suitable for women's mental health.
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