While our body has so many innate defense mechanisms and systems; Is it right to apply medication immediately for every disease?..

Of course, it is not right. If we trust our body, which is equipped with wonderful mechanisms; We get side-effect, mostly permanent clinical results. As long as we know the medicine language of our body well.

There are hundreds of diseases that acupuncture can treat and which are scientifically approved by the World Health Organization. Almost all of these diseases are caused by the body's only medicine. These are diseases that can be confronted and treated by oneself; Acupuncture must be applied as the first treatment option. Today, thanks to advanced scientific clinical studies, the branch of acupuncture science; It has been understood that it is much more effective than we expected, and that it can be applied once a year to benefit from its protective and regulatory effects, even without any disease or clinical complaint. In other words, just as we take our car to the service for its annual maintenance and check-up; It is recommended that we have our body's annual maintenance and adjustments done with acupuncture…

Acupuncture is an orchestra conductor that plays a key role in the body's own healing.

During acupuncture treatment, with the stimulations given to the body. , the original natural medicine systems that are effective in the treatment of the current disease are activated and all defense systems are put on alert. Thus, a side-effect and permanent treatment environment is achieved.

The diseases that acupuncture treats very successfully, that is, with complete healing. To count:

Acupuncture treatment often results in complete healing in the diseases we have tried to list above. .In addition, these diseases are common clinical conditions in our society. In addition to these diseases, acupuncture cannot treat them with complete healing. Even though; There are also diseases where it provides significant clinical relief and clinical improvement.

If we count these:

It is possible to extend these lists... In fact, this is the case every day. New disease groups are added to the list. Today's modern medicine has now understood the value of acupuncture and its extraordinary contributions to the body.

The number of scientific studies is increasing day by day and some of these studies are financed by the World Health Organization.

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