Laminate porcelain veneers and laminate composite applications are a cosmetic solution that can be applied to many dental disorders that negatively affect your appearance. Laminate sheet veneers are basically a form of treatment that aims to eliminate these problems in front teeth with aesthetic problems by gluing a layer prepared from porcelain to the front surfaces of the teeth.
In most cases, it provides a natural beauty and a natural function to the teeth with their solid structure and undisturbed colors. They are sufficient for . You can smile confidently with laminate veneers!
These veneers made of porcelain are a thin, semi-permeable layer. They are prepared and placed on an existing tooth with perfect fit and precision. The front surface of the tooth and the inner surface of the crown are bonded with a special resin (an adhesive intermediate). A perfect bond is expected when the process is completed.
Laminate veneer coatings can basically be applied to eliminate color changes and shape correction to a certain degree. The main application areas can be summarized as follows:
Discoloration, Use of advanced antibiotics, fluoride, etc., which do not yield results with methods such as bleaching (teeth whitening). in hereditary structure and color disorders in stains,
- In joining separated teeth (diastema closure),
- In restoration of broken or worn teeth,
- It can be a cosmetic alternative in correcting old fillings whose color and structure are damaged,
- Correcting crooked and crooked teeth (as an orthodontic treatment alternative) >
Composite laminate veneers are made of resin-based materials. They can be worked as a thinner layer than ceramics, being the same type as the adhesive material makes their bonding resistance higher. If desired, they can be produced directly in the mouth (they can be finished in a single session without the need for measurements). Their disadvantages are that color effects are weaker (lower aesthetic properties), they require a very good polish, they may absorb color over time (penetration may occur) and edge discoloration and stains may occur.
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