Orthodontic patients with crooked teeth often do not want braces in their mouths that do not look good aesthetically. Therefore, they cannot be treated. In such cases, crowding can be treated with custom-designed transparent aligners.
Transparent appliances are a new technology. 3D model analysis is done in a computer environment and the movement of the patient's teeth is planned step by step. Patients change aligners every 2 weeks. Every change is made under the supervision of a doctor. Treatment duration and number of plates vary depending on the difficulty level of the crowding.
Transparent appliances should be kept in the mouth for 22 hours a day. However, since they are already transparent, they do not pose an aesthetic problem. They do not cause pain like metal braces. They do not affect speech. It does not harm oral and dental health. It is easily cleaned, so there will be no bruises caused by not cleaning the metal wires well at the end of the treatment.
The treatment period is quite short. This new generation technology has increased the treatment acceptance rate of orthodontic patients.
It has also made our job easier as physicians in ensuring proper oral and dental health before other treatments. Of course, it cannot be applied in every case. However, when it is decided that the patient is suitable for treatment after the preliminary examination, the model analysis phase is started in the computer environment and the treatment begins.
I hope that these appliances will make our patients more positive about orthodontic treatment...
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