What is Rose Disease (Rosacea)? Symptoms and Treatment

Rosacea, also called rose or rose disease, is a chronic skin disease that is frequently seen in the community. Although the cause of rosacea cannot be clearly explained, some triggering factors can be mentioned. In the treatment, an individual program is followed according to the factors causing the problem and the skin involvement of the disease. You can read the rest of our article for detailed information about rosacea.

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a disease that causes redness and redness in areas where sebaceous glands are dense, such as the face, nose and eye-eyelash bottoms. It is a skin condition that is observed in the form of small skin lesions. These emerging symptoms can last for weeks or months and may flare up at certain times, increasing their severity. Exacerbations generally occur in a cycle. In some cases, it may disappear from the body for a while. Rosacea can be confused with various forms of acne and other skin diseases. There are 4 basic types of rosacea. Each type has its own sub-symptoms. Individuals may have multiple symptoms of rosacea at the same time. Different types of rosacea can be listed as follows.

Ocular rosacea: This type, known as ocular rosacea, shows its symptoms generally around the eyes.

What Causes Rose Disease?

In the light of current medical information, a clear cause cannot be mentioned for rosacea disease. However, it is suspected that some factors may trigger this disease. Conditions such as environmental factors and overactivation of the immune system can trigger rose disease. The causes of rosacea can be listed as follows:

As a result of the above-mentioned basic mechanisms, individuals may develop rosacea in variable forms. However, some lifestyle features are also effective in the clinical course of rosacea. Trigger factors that may cause exacerbation of rosacea are as follows:
Rose disease in general It occurs in men and women between the ages of 30-50. In addition, there are data that it is more common in light-skinned, blue-eyed and blonde people. Women are more likely to develop this disease than men. However, the symptoms of rosacea developing in men are more severe.

What are the Symptoms of Rose Disease?

Symptoms of rosacea may vary from person to person. Rose disease is more common in fair-skinned people. Rosacea disease is easier to notice and diagnose in these skin tones. Each subtype of rosacea disease differs among themselves. All symptoms of rosacea can be summarized as follows:

The main symptoms described above may vary depending on the clinical form of rosacea. For this reason, it may be useful to group the symptoms observed with different types of rosacea.
Symptoms of the subtype of acne rosacea are as follows:
The symptoms observed in the form of rhinophyma are as follows:
Symptoms of ocular rosacea are as follows:

Gul Hast Treatment of rosacea

The treatment of rosacea focuses on signs and symptoms. In this case, skin care and prescription drugs play an important role. The duration of treatments can vary depending on the severity of signs and symptoms in general. Your doctor will determine an appropriate treatment plan, taking into account your individual characteristics and active complaints about rosacea. In order to find an effective treatment method, different treatment modalities may need to be tried by your doctor. The treatment methods currently used in rosacea are as follows:

Frequently Asked Questions About Rose Disease

What is Good for Rose Disease? The recommended methods are as follows:

What Should Those Who Have Rosy Disease Pay Attention to? The factors to be considered in rosacea are as follows:
Is Rosicrucian Contagious? It can be said that it is not. Although it is predicted that some microorganisms are also effective in the formation of rosacea, it is stated that inflammatory factors play a role. However, appropriate skin cleansing is highly recommended by experts for individuals with rosacea.

Is Rose Disease Permanent? Rosacea is a chronic disease that affects the skin. However, thanks to various treatment methods, symptoms are alleviated and individuals' daily life comfort is supported. In individuals who do not receive treatment, depending on the triggering factors, symptoms may progress in certain periods and cause problems in individuals.

Is Rose Disease Associated with Liver Problems? However, some studies report that there are links between rosacea and some problems, such as fatty liver disease, through a number of mechanisms. In addition, regular doctor examination is recommended as different drugs used in the treatment of rosacea can affect the liver if not taken properly.

Rose disease (rosacea) is a complex skin problem that can be observed in different clinical forms in each individual. In the treatment, a specific program is determined according to the active complaints of the individual and the severity of the disease. In order to get efficiency from the treatment, it is recommended to pay attention to some points in daily habits and to avoid certain behaviors. During treatment, you should pay attention to your doctor's recommendations and take your medications in appropriate doses. If you are using any additional medication, you should also consult your doctor about them. For a correct approach to rosacea disease, you can talk to your doctor by applying to a health institution suitable for you.

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