Pain is a concept as old as human history and is described as an unpleasant feeling that causes the person to be alert in order to escape from the stimulus that creates it. It is a relative concept and may differ from person to person. Many factors such as gender, race, religion, language and sociocultural environment change the pain threshold and therefore the response to painful stimuli.
Birth pain is a pain that has physiological and psychological aspects with its unique characteristics. Examples of physiological factors: age, number of births, physical condition of the pregnant woman, method of delivery and size of the baby. Indicators that there will be more pain during birth: giving birth for the first time, the mother's young age, artificial pain, the size of the baby, and having a history of menstrual pain. An example of psychological factors is fear of birth. Although it is generally accepted that birth is painful, it is a pain that can be controlled. The fear and anxiety experienced by most pregnant women during birth reduce tolerance to pain, causing pain to be perceived as more severe.
The important thing here is that if birth pain is managed consciously, the intensity of the pain may be perceived less. Mentally and physically preparing for birth is important for conscious pain management.
The intensity of pain is perceived differently among pregnant women. Everyone's pain threshold may be different. It has been determined that some factors during the birth process negatively affect the mother. If we talk about these factors;
Cultural values and beliefs affect the pregnant woman's response to pain. While some cultures allow the individual suffering from pain to show their emotions and behaviors openly, in some cultures open display of emotions and behaviors is not welcome.
For birth Preparation reduces the need for analgesia by allowing the mother to relax. 21-23 . It has been observed that women who attended birth preparation courses in the following weeks had decreased pain levels and learned pain coping techniques. During labor, the mother may be tired, which affects the response to pain. fatigue s As a result, the mother's energy decreases and she has difficulty coping with the pain. Long labors and fatigue cause pain to be perceived more and the pain threshold to decrease.
The perception of pain depends on the woman's self-perception as well as cultural expectations. A woman may perceive birth as a fearful event or as a happy event. When the pregnant woman thinks that birth will be a painful process, it increases her fear and tension, thus increasing her perception of pain. It affects the level of pain he/she will experience at that time and in the future. A difficult and long-lastingbirth experience may be experienced, as well as positive experiences in which pain coping skills are acquired.
It has been observed that the support of a birth assistant, especially a professional midwife or doula, as well as a trained spouse, shortens the duration of birth, and reduces the level of medical intervention and pain.
Pregnant women generally They prefer a physical environment where they will not feel strange, comfortable and at the same time safe and their privacy is protected. Such an environment allows the pregnant woman to feel comfortable and free. It allows the pregnant woman to use non-drug applications (music, birthing ball, etc.) that will help her move comfortably.
As a result, pain affects the pregnant woman's birth physically, spiritually, and socially, reducing its quality. Therefore, controlling the pain experienced by the pregnant woman is important in terms of relaxing the person, improving the quality of birth, and reducing complications. The World Health Organization states that birth can occur safely with the least possible intervention for a healthy mother and baby, and recommends that the pregnant woman be given emotional and physical support throughout the labor. Health professionals working in the delivery room will help the pregnant woman have a smooth process as much as possible by sharing their experience and knowledge about meeting the physical and psychological needs of the pregnant woman during birth and coping with birth pain. r.
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