Recently, I wanted to write this week's article on drug use and addiction

based on the concrete and visible increase in the synthetic drug called bonzai

The issue of addiction is a deep and multidimensional concept. It has a psychological dimension as well as a physical one. That's why addiction doesn't end just after you stop taking the substance. Because physical addiction damages the nervous systems in the brain, the desire and urge to use is dominant, and most people begin to use again because they succumb to it

. In addition, environmental factors also have a great impact; For example, the environment of friends,

stressful situations, family problems, and psychological disorders are also factors that trigger drug use.

The most important thing to do to prevent addiction is to never

start. This is recommended as the definitive solution.

Drug use is the introduction of addictive substances into the body. But

The definition of addiction in its simplest form is the continuation of the use of the substance even though

it negatively affects life and health. However, due to human nature, the most fundamental purpose of man is to try to maintain his/her vitality. We instinctively avoid things that threaten our life, our health, or cause us pain and harm.

Therefore, drug use is a sign of a great contradiction within people

and is an indicator of a pathological condition.

If you suspect that your child or someone close to you is using drugs

it is important to understand this. The best way is to go and get tested. But in cases where you are not sure

doing this can be risky. Taking care of the family's children At this point, his knowledge and observation are very important

. Behaviors and moods outside the routine can be clues for us.

The following behaviors can be observed in the situation we call addiction; Having problems concentrating attention, becoming more withdrawn or aggressive, decreasing verbal communication, experiencing disruptions at school or at work, decreasing grades or overall job performance, feeling tired,

It may cause situations such as appearing sluggish and sleepy.

Drug use and addiction can start at any age. The young population is more at risk here

. The reason for this is that impulse control at that time is more difficult, peer pressure, and the desire to adapt is experienced more strongly than in later ages.

Addiction is a problem that can be treated. One of the most common scenarios we encounter about this is that the individual is brought in by family force, which unfortunately does not produce very good results

. The person's own will and consent are very important. Better results are obtained if the desire to get rid of addiction has an internal motivation. At the beginning of the treatment, the person's body goes through a detoxification process to completely cleanse the substance. Then

The continuation of the treatment process with medication, group and individual therapies is envisaged. It is stated that the longer the treatment is followed, the higher the success rate. The aim is to help the person

know himself/herself, determine drug use behavior, question the reasons

, and teach and implement ways to cope with the desire to initiate.

It is essential and beneficial to inform the family about this issue.

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