Foods That Prevent You from Getting Hungry Quickly

  • Eggs

  • Research shows that starting the day with a breakfast containing eggs controls your appetite during the day and reduces daily calorie intake, as it keeps you full for a long time. Eggs, our most important source of protein, prolong the feeling of fullness. Egg white is very rich in protein. The yolk contains both iron and vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant.

  • Walnuts

  • In addition to being a suitable source of fiber and protein, walnuts are beneficial for the heart and brain. It is also an important source of omega 3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for health. It also helps control blood sugar. Walnuts also contain elements called dietary fiber or fiber, which are effective in the functioning of the intestines. Walnuts, which are filling, digestive and part of a healthy diet, should be consumed every day.

  • Wild rice

  • Wild rice is a product that grows in water, so it is more abundant. It has high protein and fiber content. It is a healthier product than normal rice. It is also very effective against cholesterol and has antioxidant properties. 100 grams of wild rice contains exactly 14 grams of protein. Compared to brown rice, its fiber content is twice as much and it also contains 6 grams of fiber. When 100 grams of white rice and wild rice are compared, they have approximately the same energy value, but the protein content is twice as much. We need to include wild rice, which is both filling and high in protein, on our tables.

  • Green Tea

  • Green tea, one of the best healthy drinks, accelerates metabolism. It must be consumed to benefit from its filling effect. It will always keep your energy up thanks to the high amount of antioxidants it contains. Green tea, which is recommended to be consumed during the day, makes your immune system stronger and creates a feeling of fullness.


  • Milk-Yogurt

  • Calcium Dairy products are one of the most filling and fat-burning foods. Thanks to the dense protein and calcium contained in low-fat milk, yoghurt and buttermilk, it also increases the body's fat burning to a certain extent. That's why we consume two portions of dairy foods a day. It is extremely important to eat.


  • Soup

  • Soup, due to its liquid content, fills your stomach capacity and helps suppress your appetite and keeps the digestive system regular. It is effective in preventing constipation by ensuring that it works. A recent study investigated the gastric transit speeds of soup and a liquid/solid meal and found that soup had a slower gastric emptying rate. Many studies conducted in the EU and the USA on the fight against obesity: It focuses on the effects of soup on weight control compared to other drinks. Research shows that when soup is added to the meal, it creates a positive effect due to longer lasting satiety and lower energy intake. Another study found that a solid meal eaten 20 minutes after drinking soup keeps individuals fuller.

  • Oatmeal

  • Oats contain soluble fibers, proteins, unsaturated fats. It is a food with high nutritional value, containing fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. In a study, consumption of oatmeal and sugary cereals for breakfast was compared. As a result, people who consumed plain oatmeal for breakfast consumed less food at lunch. It has also been shown in studies that a diet rich in oats balances blood sugar better and keeps you full.

  • White/yellow roasted chickpea

  • Fiber-rich roasted chickpea reduces blood sugar levels excessively. It provides appetite control by preventing the food from rising, giving a feeling of fullness for a long time and preventing excessive calorie intake during the day. 1 handful of roasted chickpea contains 70 calories of energy.


  • Greens

  • Fiber, which is especially abundant in green leafy vegetables, increases the feeling of fullness and improves digestion. organizes the system. The abundant portion of greens you put on your plate to complete the satiety period of the stomach ensures that you feel full and prevents you from getting hungry. To get the most out of vegetables, the habit of eating salad at every meal should be developed.

  • Red hot pepper

  • The capsaicin contained in red hot pepper, the most commonly used spice, increases the metabolic rate and has a satiating effect p. According to a study conducted in China, it was found that when red hot pepper is consumed early in the day, it reduces sudden hunger and excessive food consumption until the afternoon.

  • Legumes

  • Legumes. It has an important role in weight control. Legumes create a feeling of fullness and prevent hunger. Since they do not contain excess calories, they are suitable choices in weight maintenance and slimming programs. Considering these benefits, dried legumes should be consumed at least 2 times a week.

  • Cheese

  • Foods containing protein contain carbohydrates and fats. It costs more than . For this reason, cheese with high protein content reduces appetite. A sufficient amount of protein prevents muscle loss, activates the metabolism and keeps you full. It also helps you feel energetic and lose weight. It should definitely be included in our breakfasts and daily diet.


  • Avocado

  • Avocado is a large seeded fruit with a green skin and white edible parts. It is easy to digest because it contains more unsaturated fatty acids. It also contains plenty of vitamins A, C and E, as well as B group vitamins and minerals such as potassium. It helps regenerate body tissues and skin. Half of 1 medium-sized avocado is approximately 150 calories. It is filling because it contains more calories and fat than many fruits.

  • Kefir

  • Kefir, the food containing the most effective probiotic bacteria, ensures that the beneficial bacteria and fungi in the intestine can multiply in a healthy way and be beneficial. An adult human intestine contains approximately 100 trillion (1.5 kg) of beneficial bacteria and fungi. This number is exactly 10 times the number of human cells. Kefir, whose benefits are endless, strengthens the immune system, facilitates digestion, and prevents both constipation and diarrhea.

    1 glass (250 ml) of kefir is enough to meet approximately 25-30% of the daily calcium need. Kefir, which has a very low glycemic index, helps create a feeling of fullness and therefore weight control without causing sudden fluctuations in blood sugar.


  • Carob. zu

  • Due to the high fiber content of carob, it keeps you full and suppresses the need for sweets. There are 35-40 grams of fiber in 100 grams of carob, much more than the total amount of fiber we should consume daily. Therefore, it regulates the digestive system and activates the intestines. Thanks to the fiber it contains, it mixes slowly with the blood and keeps you full for a long time.

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