Male to Female Conversion Surgeries

There are many techniques in these surgeries, and compared to female-to-male transformation surgeries, the surgery can be considered easier if microsurgery-involving surgeries are not preferred. During the surgery, the testicles are removed, called castration, and after the tissue is removed from the penis, vaginal tissue is created from the scrotum and penis skin. According to my opinion and what I hear from my patients, there are some disadvantages in these surgeries. This is especially due to the formation of stenosis in the newly made vagina and problems due to dryness during sexual intercourse. In these surgeries, I recommend to patients that a new vagina be made with the intestinal tissue that is most similar to the female vagina structure in the body. Because the intestinal tissue has its own secretion. This secretion offers a high level of comfort to the person while continuing his normal life and during sexual intercourse. It can be done by opening the abdomen and bringing the intestinal tissue to the area where the vagina will be without separating the vessels. Although this surgical technique is simpler than the use of microsurgery technique, its disadvantage is the scar formed in the middle area of ​​the abdomen. I undergo these surgeries with a general surgeon who is experienced in this field. With 3 scars of 2-3 mm in the abdomen, the general surgeon laparoscopically prepares the intestinal segment in the abdomen and removes it. Following this, the circulation of this tissue is ensured by microsurgically connecting the vessels of the intestinal tissue to the neighboring vessels in the area that will become the vagina. In this closed technique we use, the intestine is prepared without opening the abdomen, so vaginal reconstruction can be performed on the front of the abdomen with an almost scarless result.

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