Psychological Problems Seen in Families of Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition in which main symptoms such as hyperactivity, difficulty maintaining attention and inadequate impulse control are observed. It has been reported that the prevalence of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is between 3-5% in the child population.

In a study conducted in our country, the prevalence of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder was found to be 5% and it is more common in boys. Although until recently, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder was seen as a condition specific to children and adolescents, there is now research showing that it can also be seen in adulthood. In fact, genetic predisposition and family history of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder play an important role in childhood diagnoses.

According to research, the frequency of depression and anxiety symptoms is high in the families of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. In addition, symptoms of panic disorder, also known as "panic attack", and agoraphobia (fear of being in public places or open spaces) are also high in these families. Panic disorder is one of the Anxiety disorders. Children of parents with anxiety disorders are more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.

Research shows that the most common disease seen in families of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is panic disorder. However, it generally reveals that attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is more common in children of individuals with other anxiety disorders.

There is a significant relationship between parents with depressive symptoms and children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. However, alcohol and substance use that develops over time is sometimes observed in families of children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. This condition is not at the level of addiction, but is used as an unhealthy coping method by some families.

Children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder need to increase their attention and motor skills, control their impulses and academically. achieve They may make intense efforts to increase their scores. It will be very helpful for children if their parents are psychologically healthy individuals. Today, the level of anxiety is quite high and the presence of depressive symptoms is also high. The reason for this is exposure to many stressors, that is, events that cause stress.

Before depression and anxiety, it is very important to develop various mechanisms to cope with stress in its simplest form. While we want to help children, we should not neglect ourselves. Social support (family, friends, presence of close others), exercise, and adopting a healthy lifestyle help cope with stress. Getting psychological support also ensures a healthy life. In order to help children with their problems, we must be physically and mentally healthy individuals. Remember, even on airplanes, in order to survive an accident, the adult first puts the oxygen mask on himself and then puts it on his child. If families are healthy, the child becomes an even healthier individual.

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