1) At least 15 minutes every day for each item of the categories Body, Mind, Professional Development, Personal Development, My Relationships, Relaxation and Returning to Yourself. Take your time productively.
2)For the body; Choosing videos from YouTube according to level and interest, following live broadcasts of sports teachers.
3) For the mind; Reading books (suggestion: it is good to read several books at the same time, you can choose your book according to your mood, so that one book may be more information-oriented, while the other book may be more distracting and easy to read)
4) For professional development; Watching videos, purchasing training from educational content sites such as Udemy, thinking about a career plan, producing content and of course working.
5) For Personal Development;
Determine subject headings.
Improve your general culture,
For example;
-Watching 15 of the first 100 movies on IMDb.
-Researching world history.
- Reading about religions.
-Examining painters and famous paintings.
-Planning a cultural trip day by day after the quarantine.
-Learning basic information in different fields.
-Writing in a diary, Taking photos whenever I go out.
6)For my relationships; Calling family elders every other day, meeting their needs online, making appointments with friends and having group meetings, attending online concerts together, using words of love, boosting morale, creating common dreams for after quarantine.
7)For Relaxation and Return to Yourself; Take a warm shower, prepare your tea, turn on some non-tiring meditation music, do your breathing exercises. Remind yourself that I am fine now, I am safe, everything is fine. Enjoy staying with yourself.
If your anxiety level increases, do not hesitate to get online psychotherapy. .
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