Procrastination / Delaying

Why do we delay things?

Sometimes because of 'perfectionism' or 'living with pleasure',

Sometimes 'out of uncertainty and fear of bad results,

sometimes due to low self-esteem or laziness...

In short, our unhelpful assumptions are at the root of Procrastination.


doing or


When we start postponing housework, we can experience positive results in the short term such as


continuing to have fun and

not disrupting the usual order.


We should not forget that short-term comfort brings negative consequences such as more discomfort in the long run, cluttering up and counterproductive self-criticism.

Procrastination or Procrastination is not innate, it is one of our habits that can be changed. Letting go of the excuses for procrastination,

FOCUSING THE PROCESS, NOT THE RESULT, enduring the discomfort and starting from somewhere...

If you still can't give up on your procrastination behavior, it's a good idea to get support from an expert

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