Societies play a social and cultural role on hair and hairstyles. The receding hairline or thinning of the hair has become a very important problem for both men and women. Without understanding why hair is falling out, patients turn to methods such as mega vitamins, scalp massage, and drugs applied to the hair with electrical stimulation, which are touted as miracle treatments. Hair loss is a common phenomenon. Two out of every three men have a hair loss problem, albeit at different levels. Again, a very high rate of men and women can experience different types of hair loss problems throughout their lives. If a correct diagnosis is made, it is possible to help many people with hair loss.
Normal Hair Growth
90%of the hair on the scalp. They grow > constantly. The growth phase ends between 2-6 years. 10% of the hair is in the resting phase. This phase lasts for 2-3 months. At the end of this resting phase, the hair is shed. Losing 50-100 hairs per day is considered normal. As the hair falls out, a new hair production begins from the same hair follicle and a new hair reproduction phase begins. The hair growth rate on the scalp is approximately 2-2.5 cm/month. With advancing age, the rate of hair growth also slows down. Again, short hair grows longer than long hair. While the number of hairs on the scalp in natural blondes is 120,000, it is 105,000 in brunettes and 90,000 in redheads. Despite the excess number, blondes may have the impression of less hair because their hair is thinner than red and brunette hair.
Causes of Excessive Hair Loss
Excessive hair loss can occur in many different ways. There could be many reasons. People who notice excessive hair loss or thinning hair should consult a dermatologist. It is important to determine the causative agent and whether it will respond to medical treatment. Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in diseases of the skin and skin appendages (such as hair and nails). The patient's hair problem will be evaluated by asking questions about diet, medications taken, family history of hair loss, past diseases and hair care. Dermatologists ask women questions about their menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause can. After scalp thinning, it may be necessary to examine a few hairs under a microscope or take small biopsies from the scalp for further examination.
- Childbearing:During pregnancy, women have much less hair than normal. is poured. However, after birth, many hairs go into the resting phase and suddenly a lot of hair loss occurs. This shedding usually occurs in the 2-3rd months of birth. This situation will completely revert within 1-6 months (unless there is another cause).
- High fever, serious illnesses, serious flu: Approximately 3-4 weeks after such a disease, a large number of hairs suddenly fall out. However, this hair loss usually returns to normal without the need for any intervention.
- Thyroid (Goiter) Diseases:Both over- or under-activity of the thyroid gland can cause hair loss. Diagnosis of thyroid diseases is possible with laboratory tests. Hair loss due to thyroid disease can be reversed with appropriate treatment.
- Insufficient protein intake in food:In case of insufficient protein intake for financial reasons or weight loss purposes, the body first rests the hair from the growth phase in order to preserve the amount of protein. phase, excessive hair loss usually occurs after 2-3 months. When the hairs are pulled, they can be easily touched with their roots. This type of hair loss returns to normal after adequate protein intake and maintenance in the diet.
- Medications:Some medications can cause hair loss in a very small percentage of individuals using them. For example: Some drugs used in the treatment of gout, arthritis, high blood pressure, blood thinning, depression, and VITAMIN-A and its derivatives if taken in high doses.
- Cancer Treatment:Used in cancer treatment. Some medications cause hair cells to stop dividing. Hair hairs become thin and brittle. This occurs 2-3 weeks after treatment. The patient loses more than 90% of his hair. Hair or bristles start to grow again after stopping the treatment.
- Birth Control Pills:People whose hair thins while using birth control pills have a hereditary tendency to thinning hair. K If the years become thinner, the woman may need to see her gynecologist to discuss changing her birth control pill. 3-4 months after stopping the birth control pill, the woman will notice hair loss. This picture is similar to postpartum hair loss and resolves within 1-6 months.
- Low Serum Iron:Iron deficiency can cause hair loss. Some people get insufficient iron in the diet, while others have inadequate iron absorption. Iron deficiency may develop after menstrual periods with heavy bleeding. Low iron level can be detected by laboratory tests and iron deficiency can be replaced with iron tablets.
- Major Surgical Procedures / Chronic Diseases:Excessive hair 1-3 months after the operation in people who have undergone major surgery. shedding may be observed. Lost hair will return spontaneously over time. Hair regrowth is generally not seen in people with chronic diseases.
- Alopecia Areata:This type of hair loss is seen as round, flat-surfaced, hairless areas the size of a coin or larger on the scalp. The disease is not specific to the scalp. Hair loss can occur in any area of the body. The cause of the disease is unknown. Apart from hair loss, the person's health is generally excellent. In some cases, hairs may grow spontaneously. Dermatologists can treat most of these cases.
- Hereditary Thinning of Hair or Balding:Familial hair loss is the most common type of hair thinning. The predisposition may be transmitted by the mother or father. Complete baldness does not develop in this type of hair thinning problem in women. Generally, hair thinning begins after adolescence. This type of hair loss is called Androgeneticalopecia. Many different treatment agents can be helpful in some cases. In androgenic alopecia seen in men, hair thinning can be stopped thanks to many new agents. In this situation, where unfortunately there is no definitive treatment alternative, it is possible to get more cosmetically acceptable results with hair transplantation in some cases.
- Fungal Infections of Hair:Fungus is a contagious condition. Infections are more common in childhood. They appear as broken, red, often swollen and purulent wounds that start as a small crusted wound on the scalp and spread in a short time. The disease can usually be treated with oral anti-fungal treatment.
- Use of Improper Hair Care or Inappropriate Hair Cosmetics:Many men and women apply many chemicals to their hair. The most commonly used agents are hair dyes, bleaches, hair straighteners or permanent wave-making products. If these products are used correctly, there is usually no serious damage to the hair. However, if these chemicals are used frequently, hair thinning and breakage may occur. Hair can break easily if the chemical agent is kept for a long time, if more than one procedure is applied on the same day, or if bleach is applied again to bleached hair after a short time.
When such a situation develops, the most appropriate approach is to apply chemical agents until the hair grows. is to take a break. Frequent shampooing and combing of hair can also increase brittleness. Hair breaks more easily when wet. For this reason, harsh drying of wet hair and rough brushing or combing actions cause the hair to break more easily.
Hair breakage can be reduced by using wide-spaced round-ended combs or brushes. Stretching the hair into a bun may also cause hair breakage or shedding as a result of stretching.
The majority of hair loss is due to the normal hair cycle. Losing 50-100 hairs per day is considered normal. If you experience hair loss above this number, consult your dermatologist without delay.
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