Use of Acupuncture in Gynecological Diseases

1- Infertility Treatment:

For women who cannot have children naturally and who have been diagnosed with 'infertility', acupuncture sessions are applied 1-2 sessions a week for 3-4 months. Following the treatment period, satisfactory results are achieved to a large extent and the treatment results in pregnancy.

In many countries of the world, especially Sweden, England, Denmark, Germany and China, there are thousands of women patients related to 'Acupuncture treatment in infertility'. The study was conducted and a significant percentage of patients became pregnant following 3-4 months of treatment. Acupuncture treatment was found superior in all studies. In addition, the fact that it has no side effects and has other positive effects on the body, such as reducing anxiety and stress, reducing widespread pain, regulating hormone release, improving metabolism and sleep, has made acupuncture preferred in the treatment of infertility.

2 -Use of Acupuncture in Menopause:

Menopause is a troublesome process that negatively affects women's lives throughout their lives and causes many unwanted complaints. Hot flashes, which occur due to changes in hormones during this period, have become a nightmare for many women. In addition, stress, anxiety, depressive mood and sleep disorders are also common during this period, and all these complaints can be completely resolved with Acupuncture treatment. Hot flashes, in particular, decrease dramatically with acupuncture.

In addition, conditions such as weight gain, increased appetite, and insulin resistance due to the slowing down of metabolism during this period can also be controlled with acupuncture.

3-Painful Menstrual Periods:

The pain-reducing effect of acupuncture is also evident on menstrual pain. With the application of acupuncture needles, mediators and chemical substances that fight pain and inflammation are secreted in the blood, which allows the person to overcome pain with the substances produced by his body without taking any medication. Pain-relieving substances are released with a direct effect on the brain. Acupuncture's positive effects on anxiety, anxiety and stress also eliminate painful menstruation. In some cases, menstrual periods also trigger headaches and migraines, and with acupuncture treatment, this vicious circle is eliminated. the patient has menstrual headache etc. completely gets rid of complaints.


Pregnancy is a period when the patient cannot use medication comfortably, because every medication taken is for the baby. It is dangerous. At this point, acupuncture is the savior treatment for most problems that occur during pregnancy. Acupuncture provides definitive results for low back pain, back-neck pain, headache-migraine, hip pain, allergy, depression, nausea and vomiting, insomnia... and many other problems experienced during pregnancy. There are no side effects or risks for the baby.

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