- Quick fatigue,
- Rapid depletion of physical and emotional energy,
- Muscle contraction,
- Back and shoulder pain,
- Tension-type headache,
- Sleep problems,
- Easy sweating,
- Frequent urination,
- Dry mouth
If you frequently experience the above symptoms without a physical cause, I suggest you look at the source of the problem from a different perspective.
The definition of Generalized Anxiety Disorder is related to daily events ( (health, work, financial issues, relationships, etc.) significant feelings of anxiety, worry and apprehension and this situation lasts for at least 6 months.
Characteristics of Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
-Gathering more information about something before doing it with the aim of making it error-free
-Checking their work over and over again
-Procrastination (because they are too tired before and during doing a job)
-Do not get hurt in the face of criticism
-Questioning that decision right after making a decision,
-Seeking reassurance, not needing the approval of others.
-Controlling (want to do everything himself, gets restless when he hires someone else)
- Concentration disorder due to anxiety and worry.
-Reacting to small things more than expected (too much fear, avoidance, anger outburst)
-Constant irritability, inability to relax
p>-Inability to sleep due to worries.
The most common physical reflection in individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder is fatigue. Since they are very detail-oriented, anxious and anxious, their physical and emotional energies are quickly exhausted. Physically, muscle contraction, back and shoulder pain, tension-type headache, sleep problems, easy sweating, frequent urination, dry mouth can be seen. In addition to digestive system problems such as nausea, difficulty in swallowing, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, it may predispose to chest pain and cardiovascular disorders.
If you think you are showing these symptoms, it's time to seek psychotherapy support. please Give yourself the opportunity to see that a better life is possible by getting support.
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