About Family and Couple Therapy

Satir and Forms of Communication

There are many pioneers and theories of family and couple therapy. Therapist; He/she can proceed with an approach according to the content of the problem, family structure, communication styles and his/her own expertise, or can apply more than one approach together.

Virginia Satir, who was in the early stages of family and couple therapy, is frequently used in session rooms due to the functionality of her techniques and theory. It would be useful to meet Satir to get an idea about family and couple therapy.

For Satir, humanity and closeness are extremely important concepts. The therapist's humanity is seen as more important than his or her expertise. In family and couple therapy, the client is the relationship and therefore loyalty is to the relationship. Being able to be in the room impartially, unburdened and without judgment is of great importance.

In the satire school, it removes the focus on the person they call "star", who is seen as a scapegoat, so to speak, and who is the reason for coming to therapy. He/she sees the problem as the problem of the whole family and asks everyone to take responsibility for the solution.

In this school, balance is an extremely important concept. When the balance is disrupted, family members may become confused. The aim is to restore balance.

It is an approach that places significant emphasis on 5 forms of communication. The basis he advocates is that the same message can be given in different ways and the way the message is given can carry the entire communication to a different point.

  • Pacificatory communication

  • Accusative communication

  • Super logical communication

  • Appropriate communication

  • Irrelevant communication


    Discovering which of these communication styles dominates relationships is of great importance for therapists and clients.

    The Satir approach is extremely humanistic and not pathology-oriented. What is important for this approach is how pathologies affect the individual and the family. For example, even if only one person experiences the trauma, its consequences affect the family and systems. The distinction between healthy and unhealthy families is based on communication and aims to re-establish the disturbed balance.


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