Why Is Diabetes Considered Equivalent to Heart Disease?

Atherosclerosis, the disease of our age, and the coronary heart disease it causes, is a very serious disease that leads to heart attacks, heart failure and sudden deaths. It ranks first among the causes of death in the world.

Diabetes also predisposes to atherosclerosis. Moreover, coronary heart disease, which develops on the basis of diabetes, progresses silently and rapidly. Once diagnosed, treatment is either not possible
or long-term relief may not be achieved from the treatments applied.
For this reason, diabetes is considered equivalent to coronary heart disease. In other words, if a
person has diabetes, it is assumed that he/she also has coronary heart disease.

What is the relationship between diabetes and heart disease?
Diabetes is a disease in the blood. It is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels.
High blood sugar in the blood disrupts the structure of the endothelial layer, which is the inner surface of our arteries. In this damaged area, blood fats and calcium settle on the vessel wall. The accumulation thus formed is called "Atherosclerosis Plaque". The bulge created by this accumulation towards the vascular space narrows the vascular space and creates an obstacle to blood flow through that vessel. " takes its name. Coronary heart disease is a very serious disease that leads to heart attacks, heart
failure and sudden deaths.
Since high blood sugar is one of the most important causes of arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease
A patient is a very high candidate
person for coronary heart disease.

What is the cause of Diabetes?
Normally, the blood sugar in our abdominal cavity and the pancreas that keeps blood sugar at normal levels
It is the insulin hormone secreted from our organ defined as />. Disruption of the secretion
pattern of this hormone, failure to secrete it in the required amount, or remaining ineffective even though it is secreted
causes blood sugar to remain at high levels.
Diabetes is a serious disease, the incidence of which is increasing all over the world and in our country.
How can the heart and vessels of diabetic patients be protected?
Keeping blood sugar within normal limits is of primary importance. For this, regular exercise
should be done, calorie-rich foods should not be consumed, weight should not be gained, if there is obesity, the ideal weight should be reduced,
the necessary diabetes medications should be taken orally, and if this is not sufficient, insulin should be used.
Despite these measures, blood sugar control is difficult. and if there are risks such as genetic
predisposition to coronary heart disease, hypertension, high blood lipids, smoking, stressful life, protection should be provided with Natural Bypass Treatment.

Natural Bypass Treatment protects the heart and vessels in diabetic patients with the following effects:
 Eases blood sugar control.
 Protects vessels against atherosclerosis
 Prevents early heart disease.
 Heart It expands the blood vessels.
It progresses silently and quickly. When it occurs, it may be too advanced to be treated by other methods
. Natural Bypass Treatment is also a solution for diabetic patients in this situation.

As follows:
- It provides treatment opportunity to patients who have coronary heart disease and who have no chance of treatment with balloon-stent and bypass surgery. .
- In patients who have undergone balloon-stent or bypass surgery, it ensures that the benefit obtained from these treatments
lasts longer.
- In patients whose veins have narrowed again after balloon-stent and bypass surgeries
provides treatment opportunity.
- It provides treatment opportunity to patients who develop heart failure as a result of heart attacks.
- It also has a protective and
therapeutic effect in peripheral artery disease (narrowing of the foot and leg vessels).
br /> - It relieves the complaints of numbness and numbness due to nerve ending damage seen in diabetic patients.
- It reduces the need for hospital admissions and hospitalizations, and frequent repetition of examinations and treatments.
- With all these effects, diabetes It improves the quality of life in its patients.

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