Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)as its name suggests, consists of negative, repeated, and increasing forms of behavior towards authority figures. Most often in certain age periods (2-5 age group) strong> children may be developmentally normal. For this to be a disorder, it must last longer than 6 months and both the child and the family must be affected by this condition. Typically, children with ODD have problems with authority figures they know. If the disorder becomes severe, they start to have problems with everyone.

The frequency of occurrence in the society is approximately 10%. It is seen more in boys than girls. It usually begins to appear in the preschool period. Genetic, psychological and sociological reasons play a role in the development of ODD. Insecure attachment to parents, large family, overvalued child, negative family example, domestic violence, emotional-physical-sexual abuse, psychiatric disorders in the family can be listed as the main reasons. ODD is seen together with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in 60-80% of cases. Generally, children with ODDsay No to everything.

When left untreated, they progress towards Conduct Disorder at high rates in later ages. Early onset of ODD, presence of psychiatric disorders in the family (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Anti-Social Personality Disorder, Alcohol-Substance Use Disorder) are serious risks for developing into Conduct Disorder in the future. creates. Treatment of ODDdisorder consists of identifying the etiological causes and correcting them.

Medical treatment is needed when necessary. They respond very positively to the treatment.


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