Everyone wants to be informed about cancer, especially due to the increase in recent years. Research shows that the most well-known types of cancer are lung, breast and blood cancer. Oral cancer is a topic that many people hear about for the first time.However, mouth cancer is a topic that many people hear about for the first time. The number of people who lose their lives due to cancer is rapidly increasing today...
The incidence of oral cancer is twice as high in men than in women and it is generally seen in individuals over the age of 45. Early diagnosis is very important. Many types of oral cancer However, the majority of these types of cancer can progress without any symptoms. In short, a swelling in the mouth that grows slowly without causing any discomfort to the patient may be a sign of this disease. For this reason, it is very important to go to the dentist regularly.
The initial symptom may be thickened or irritated areas in the mouth. In addition, the formation of red or white colored spots in the mouth that did not exist before, this It can be said that the areas remain in the mouth for a long time in the form of recurrent wounds and bleed.
In the following periods, complaints such as severe pain, difficulty in swallowing and chewing, facial numbness, numbness, difficulty in tongue movements may be observed. In addition, due to swelling caused by cancer. Changes may occur, such as the pre-existing prosthesis not fitting in the mouth or the teeth becoming wider over time. However, these symptoms, of which I have listed just a few, may also occur due to diseases that can be cured with very simple treatments.Your dentist will help you with the correct diagnosis.
The exact cause of oral cancer is unknown. However, smoking, alcohol use and genetic predisposition are among the factors that increase the risk of cancer.
Early diagnosis is very important
Treatment methods vary depending on the type of cancer. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and excision of the entire cancerous tissue or use of all these methods together are among the treatment options. If the area of ​​cancerous tissue removed from the mouth is large, the patient may have to use a facial prosthesis. .Also function Restrictions may occur in them.
The treatment success rate of oral cancers is high. However, early diagnosis saves lives, as in all types of cancer. It is very important to go to the dentist for a check-up at least once a year /strong>.
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