Can You Teach Your Subconscious to Want?

When you have a toothache, you do not care about the treatment of your tooth. You want to get rid of this pain as soon as possible. You don't care if the doctor is good or if your tooth can be treated and healed. You say, "I want to get rid of this pain as soon as possible. I don't want anything else." You get so distracted by the problem that you don't pay attention to anything that could be a solution to the problem. This is where I have the most difficulty. The fact that the person is in distress while explaining how to make a request to another person and has difficulty in thinking and acting logically in this state of mind blocks their listening, understanding and application skills. strong>

Not choosing any of them when you have many choices is "fatalism"; being able to make a choice under the existing conditions; showing courage and taking action; "thinking positively". Being able to systematize this and instinctively "upgrade" your beliefs to your goals and protect your destiny means not giving up on yourself.

Law of Faith

Gravity has no religious faith, just like this, the earth. Or there is nothing sacred about the profession. When water enters the human body, it does not have a different effect depending on the person's religion. Likewise, values ​​that are associated with humans, such as "prayer", "love", "courage", "fear", "excitement", cannot be Christianized or labeled with sources of belief such as Jewish or Muslim. Belief is related to mental acceptance and belief does not have a religion, but religion can have belief.

Contrary to what you think, the things you believe in do not come true. Mental and intellectual wishes that you believe in and are accepted at the subconscious level come true.

As a result of the interaction of thoughts and beliefs, your emotions, intuitions, beliefs and behaviors come into play. When the desire meets the frequency of the subconscious, the hopes in your heart begin to materialize in your world of perception. In the interviews conducted with those who grew up in poverty and deprivation at a very young age and later achieved wealth and prominence, it was revealed that although there were no signs in the past about their current bright period, the person did not give up on dreaming and believed without doubt that they would come true, and even though they were ridiculed when they shared it with their surroundings, they never gave up. You will witness it.

You Reap What You Sow

Your subconscious is like a blank page. It's not good or bad. Whatever you write or draw there reveals itself. Since it cannot be a page that takes the pen and draws on its own, you have a contribution to every line that is shaped there. The pen that constantly follows the same line (thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes) creates patterns and templates in the subconscious over time. These templates produce results that you will interpret as good or bad.

Your subconscious works according to the action-reaction principle, in other words, you reap what you sow. For example, you work in a dangerous job and a mistake you make could result in serious injury. After a while, when you learn that a colleague doing your job has been injured, you start to think "could it happen to me too?" After a short while, you too have an accident and then you say, "I knew it would happen like this." The risk of injury has not changed while you were doing that job, but your thinking about the possibility of being injured and worrying about it started the process that caused you to be injured in your subconscious. There is a saying: "Whatever I fear, happens to me". I also ask, does your fear of what you don't want to happen to you turn the events against you and when the risk occurs, your fear comes true?

Everything was created with good intentions in the beginning and The most important gain to improve something will be to return to the essence with good will and sincerity.

There is No True Belief, There Are Truths You Believe.

What Do You Do? The more you believe it, the more true it will seem to you. Now you act accordingly and start living as you believe. If you believe that the evil eye bead protects you from evil eyes, does it? Yes, it protects. If your spouse dies before you, would you die if you believe that you cannot live without him? Yes, you can get sick and die earlier than expected. Beliefs lead you to generalize what you feel and connect it to a conclusion. As long as this doesn't change, it doesn't matter if it's joy or sorrow, it becomes your destiny.

Nothing in life has any meaning other than the meaning we give to it. (If so, this is your situation. It will not change your results.) Your spouse's cheating may lead to the belief that all spouses can cheat. If one person closest to you lies to you, it may create the suspicion and belief that all your relatives may lie. In this case, you allow the experiences of your past to shape your future, and you mortgage your future by activating the potential for your negative experiences to repeat themselves. In this case, you have to know the following about beliefs;

  • Beliefs have both creative and destructive powers. The emergence of this power is the result of your conscious/unconscious choices.

  • Most of us do not consciously decide on our beliefs, but we consciously evaluate the consequences and try to understand why this occurred.

  • Most of the time, our beliefs come from our misinterpretation of the past. Since we cannot criticize our own interpretation, we defend our own beliefs and truths against the interpretations of others.

  • Once we adopt a belief, we begin to think of it as fact and forget that it is just a point of view.

  • Beliefs draw their strength from the past, by generalizing past experiences, we accept only experiences limited to our personal experiences as true, and we can use our imagination to be sure and create references about things we have not yet attempted to have.

  • Learned Boundaries Limit Helplessness

    Whenever something happens to you, your brain asks two questions: Is this pleasure (good) or pain (bad) for me? What should I do now to get rid of pain and enjoy? The answers are based on generalizations and your beliefs about whether it will cause pain or pleasure. Negative conditionings are cleared with a positive trance.

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