Heart Valve Diseases

Mitral and tricuspid valves, two of which provide the passage of blood between the ventricles and atria in our heart; We have four heart valves, the other two being the pulmonary and aortic valves, which are located at the junction of the great vessels coming from the heart with the heart. Valves are structures that prevent blood from flowing forward and backward. In cases that prevent the blood from moving forward or cause it to flow backwards, the heart is burdened and problems begin to arise in both the heart and the organs that need blood. It causes an increase in its size, heart failure occurring on the basis of heart valve diseases, irregularities in heartbeats (rhythm disorders) can lead to the formation of serious complaints in humans.

The causes of heart valve diseases are; Acute joint rheumatism after an upper respiratory tract infection, ischemic heart diseases after a heart attack, age-related degeneration and valve diameter enlargement, connective tissue diseases, aortic aneurysms, tumors and some drugs can be counted.

Valve Diagnosis of diseases is possible with echocardiographic imaging. Here, it is very important that the cardiologist who performs the echocardiographic examination is experienced in valvular diseases, in terms of determining the treatment approach.

Heart valve diseases; It is examined in two groups as valve stenosis or insufficiency. After it is decided that the disease is mild, moderate or severe, considering the echocardiographic examination and the complaints of the person, the treatment approach is determined. Follow-up process is of great importance in heart valve diseases. In the treatment, drug therapy, interventional applications and surgery can be applied according to the patient.

In patients who are not suitable for valve repair, biological and mechanical (known as metal valve among the people) artificial heart valves are placed in place of the patient's problematic valve. Biological caps are caps taken from bovine and porcine tissues and processed. These caps will not be able to use blood thinners for a long time (people with pregnancy expectation, who cannot use blood thinners, etc.) and It is placed in patients with a short life expectancy (the elderly and those with comorbidities). It is essential that these patients are brought to the level of advanced knowledge and awareness about their diseases and that they are followed up with regular controls. Let's not forget that our heart is very sensitive, we need to follow the rules of healthy living to protect it.

Happy days, goodbye

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