With the arrival of the winter months, we experience weight gain due to our metabolism slowing down, our mobility decreasing, our use of less vitamin D, and the increase in night snacks. Even though we do not notice this situation because thick clothes hide the weight, the signals "I need to lose weight urgently" begin to ring in our brains as we cannot fit into the clothes of the old size we wore when buying new clothes and we feel thicker.
Okay, let's lose weight urgently, okay. Should we lose weight fast?
We all want to get rid of all our excess weight and have a fit body. While doing this, you can look at popular diets from the internet, magazines, books, etc. We tend to reach for low-calorie diets through. In faulty diet practices such as "I have cut out bread, I will not eat any bread, I will only eat vegetables, I am on a diet and use zero fat", etc., we do not get enough macro and micro nutrients that the body needs to function because the calories are also very low. This brings with it many health problems:
Effect on the central nervous system: Headache, lack of concentration, irritability, fatigue
Effect on the cardiovascular system: Cardiac arrhythmia, hypotension
>Effect on the gastro-intestinal system: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal discomfort, gallstones
Effect on the genito-urinary system: Menstrual irregularity, kidney stones
Other effects : Intolerance to cold, dry skin, hair loss and thinning, drowsiness, proteinuria, disturbance in mineral-electrolyte balance, decrease in basal metabolism
Let's think like this,
According to the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the data, a monthly loss of 2-6 kilograms is considered ideal for health. Diets that promise rapid weight loss include a figure such as 10 kilos per month. Very low-calorie diets that promise this cause the health problems I mentioned above. Okay, we want to lose weight quickly, but what good is that after losing our health? Let's put health aside, in addition to this situation, the rapid weight loss mentioned is mostly associated with water loss from the body and can be regained when normal nutrition is resumed. He believes. This causes the basal metabolic rate to slow down. Due to the effect of the impaired metabolic rate, weight loss is slower when the diet is started again. This "gain and lose weight" cycle results in obesity in the long term. This cycle is called the Yo-Yo effect, and hypertension and gallbladder diseases are common in those who experience this effect.
However, a healthy diet program is specific to you and harmonizes with your life, and it is healthy to see diet as a lifestyle, based on the meaning of the word in Greek. It allows us to somehow reach the target weight and maintain it for life.
In summary, although popular very low-calorie diets provide rapid weight loss, they do not provide "permanent weight control" and can cause many "health problems" for individuals who follow such diets. confronts. If we want to lose weight in a permanent and healthy way, we must achieve this with the help of an expert.
Weight loss through balanced diets should be individual-specific and sustainable throughout life!
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