Adolescent Nutrition Consultancy

Adolescence is one of the most important periods of life. Because in this process, the person begins to gain an attitude towards life through psychological
development, and since he is in a period of rapid growth, his body undergoes significant changes.
Nutritional needs increase during adolescence. Due to rapid growth, the need for many nutrients, especially energy and protein, increases. Adequate, balanced and healthy
nutrition of the individual in this period is also necessary for height growth and gender development.

Eating disorders are frequently seen, especially in girls, due to the problems experienced during adolescence.
Eating disorders can lead to bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa and reactive eating
disorders. When eating disorders are left untreated, critical health problems can occur. In this
case, the necessary treatment should be applied in cooperation with a dietician and psychologist.

Another nutritional problem seen during adolescence is obesity. Studies have shown that obesity during adolescence is more dangerous than childhood obesity. Obesity during adolescence can be resolved in a way that does not create new problems in the future, with the help of an adequate, balanced and healthy nutrition program, appropriate exercise
program and psychotherapy.

Other nutritional problems encountered in this period; Problems such as loss of appetite, skipping meals, and junk food type of nutrition. With appropriate nutrition education, healthy nutrition practices and the importance of these practices are conveyed to people in this period.

Our aim in Adolescent Nutrition Consultancy is; To ensure that young people acquire adequate, balanced and healthy nutrition
habits, to solve nutritional problems, to prevent them from recurring, and to ensure that they turn healthy eating habits into a lifestyle.

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