What is the Prostate?
The prostate is a gland that is part of the male reproductive system. It is about the size of a walnut and is located in the pelvis, below the bladder, and surrounds the urethra. The prostate has several functions in the body, including producing, strengthening, and expelling sperm.
Prostate-Related Problems
Prostate cancer is the second most common after non-melanoma skin cancer among men in the United States. It is cancer. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate may include:
Inability to empty the bladder
Blood in the urine
Straining while urinating or difficulty in starting to urinate
Frequent urination
Increased need to urinate at night
These symptoms may worsen if left untreated. Over time, the condition can increase the risk of bladder stones and urinary tract infections. Benign prostatic hyperplasia can obstruct urine flow, causing urine to back up to the kidneys. This blockage can cause the kidneys to swell, increase the risk of kidney infection, and stop working properly. Men with an enlarged prostate should seek medical attention immediately.
Causes of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
As men get older, the size of the prostate tends to gradually increase. However, excessive, unnatural growth can develop into benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as enlarged prostate or BPH. This condition can be severe and cause obstruction in the flow of urine. The following may increase the risk of prostate enlargement:
Lack of Exercise: Studies show that a lack of physical exercise may increase the risk of prostate enlargement.
Obesity: Studies show that obesity may increase the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It also revealed that « obesity increases the risk of clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia by several measures, including initiation of benign prostatic hyperplasia medical treatment, non-cancerous prostate surgery, physician-diagnosed benign prostatic hyperplasia, histological diagnosis and urine flow rate »
Family History:Coming from families with a history of BPH The risk of prostate enlargement may increase in certain cases. A study of a randomly selected group of men between the ages of 40 and 79 found that men with a history of prostate enlargement may be at “ increased risk of developing symptoms and signs suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia .” The researchers also noted that the risk was higher for men who had relatives diagnosed at a younger age.
Diabetes: Studies are ongoing, but there may be a link between diabetes mellitus and men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. A survey of 100 people with diabetes and 200 nondiabetic patients who had surgery for BPH found that diabetic patients had larger prostate volume. Researchers concluded that “ the presence of diabetes is related to both the static and dynamic components of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Improving Prostate Health
The prostate tends to increase with men's age. Maintaining good health is key to minimizing the risk of prostate-related problems. Here are some of the best ways to keep the prostate healthy:
Staying active: Men who exercise tend to have a lower incidence of BPH. A study of men ages 40 to 75 found that men who walked 2 to 3 hours per week had a 25% lower risk of BPH.
In addition to walking, the best exercises for prostate health may be:
Jump rope
Push-ups towing
Cycling (with prostate-friendly seat)
Light jogging
Playing tennis
Daily 30 to 60 minutes of exercise is considered ideal.
Eating Healthy Foods: Food plays a crucial role in prostate health. Here are some of the best foods to eat or avoid for prostate health:
In addition to the foods listed above;
Dairy may increase the risk of prostate cancer: Studies show dairy Get high calcium products It shows that smear may increase the risk of prostate cancer. This is due to a decrease in a hormone believed to protect against cancer.
Lycopene and BPH: Lycopene, the red carotenoid found in tomatoes and other fruits, has been shown to inhibit the growth of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Ginger and Prostate Cancer: Research on ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) has shown that it exhibits “growth-inhibiting and death-inducing effects across a spectrum of prostate cancer cells.”
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