A successful life is a life lived 'harmoniously, happily and satisfied'. In the past, a single recipe for success was offered with the same recommendation; Working, working and working again or working hard. However, within the modern concept of success, 'working hard' has been replaced by 'working effectively'. In order to be successful, the goal must be clearly defined, the person must believe in it, and annual, monthly and weekly programs must be organized for this purpose. It should not be forgotten that a successful person is someone who has achieved his goals within a certain period of time. So, what is learning? Learning is the process of perceiving information, memorizing it, recalling it and using it when necessary. Learning from another perspective; It can also be defined as changes seen in the mental structures of individuals. While some of these changes can be observed, some may not be directly observable. The learning process is a process in which the individual is active. It keeps information in the human mind according to its processing model. This information processing model is similar to computer memory. If the information is of no use to us, it is transferred to our short-term memory, and if the information is important to us, it is transferred to our long-term memory. There are some methods that support our strong memory, which allows us to keep information in our minds for a long time. The strategies here are based on imagination and symbols. If information is difficult to sort (for example, listing the presidents of the Republic of Turkey), it can be described as the rooms of a house and sorted, thus making it easier to store in memory. Or it can be encoded with words consisting of sound similarity and stored in memory. There are many methods like these that can help retain information in memory. Yes, it is useful to keep in mind that the information we acquire by storing information will be lost in a short time if it is not repeated. This means that the repetition acquired after entering and leaving the lesson will help the student to retain it for a week, the repetition acquired after a week will help the student to retain it for a month, and the repetition acquired after a year will help the student to retain it in memory for years.
Let's not forget that people learn very quickly. k forgets, what is learned at the beginning and at the end is remembered more. Standout words, names and shapes are remembered better. Vivid descriptions and different, interesting descriptions are remembered better. Rather than learning a long list, it is easier to learn by dividing it into smaller parts. The less it is known in advance how much work will be done, the less recall there will be. In order to get the best efficiency from the study to be done, the study should be divided into certain intervals (45-60 minutes of studies may be ideal depending on the learning area). Because continuing to work for too long without taking a break causes attention and concentration to gradually decrease. Study times may be longer for studies such as writing and preparing homework.
How should we study? The workplace must be determined. A noise-free study room, which is ideal with its desk, chair, light and warmth, plays an important role in increasing motivation, attention and success. The most productive times of the day for studying should be determined. You should definitely sit at the desk while studying. The desk chair should neither be too comfortable nor uncomfortable. Studying in the same place every day as much as possible makes studying easier and sharpens attention. Studying while lying down, lying down or slouching hinders learning as it negatively affects attention and concentration. There are no computers, televisions, telephones, pictures, food, etc. in the study room (or within sight of the desk). There should be no distracting elements. The desk should only be used for studying. Not doing extracurricular activities at the same desk positively affects conditioning for the course.
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