What is Prostate? Prostate is a gland that serves as an accessory reproductive organ in men. It is about the size of a chestnut. It is located in front of the last part of the large intestine and just below the bladder (urinary bladder). The prostate surrounds approximately 3 cm of the beginning of the channel called the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder to the tip of the penis. The prostate gland secretes a fluid that mixes with sperm during orgasm and facilitates the transportation of sperm.
Prostatitis - Prostate inflammation can be seen in 4 ways:
1. Acute bacterial infection
2. Chronic bacterial infection
3. Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: There are two subgroups.
a. Type where only inflammatory cells are found in the fluid obtained from the prostate without microbes
b. Type characterized by chronic pain only in the pelvic area, without any microbes or inflammatory cells in the examination of the fluid obtained from the prostate
4. Inflammatory cells (leukocytes) or microbes are detected in the examination of the prostate fluid, semen or prostate biopsy without any complaints
Acute and chronic infections are caused by bacteria, so they need to be treated with antibiotics. These bacteria can come to the prostate with infected urine or from the large intestine.Prostate inflammation is not a contagious disease. In other words, it does not pass on to your partner.
In non-bacterial prostatitis, the causative agent is not bacteria, as the name suggests. However, the defense cells secreted by the body in inflammatory diseases are found in urine, semen and prostate secretions. The cause of the disease is not fully known. Antibiotics can be given for a long time, but their effectiveness is limited. The clinical significance of the type of prostatitis described in group 4 is currently controversial. If the findings detected here cause another pathology in the patient (PSA elevation, infertility) or if the patient needs endoscopic intervention for another reason, treatment is applied.
The possibility of prostate infection is What are the risk factors that increase it?
1. Having a catheter inserted for medical reasons
2. Having an abnormal structure of the urinary tract
3. Having recently had a urinary tract infection irmak
4. Anal sexual contact
5. Constipation
What complaints do people with prostatitis problems have?
Although complaints vary depending on the type of prostatitis, the common complaints are as follows: Fever and chills (in Acute Prostatitis), frequent urination, burning and difficulty during urination, frequent urination at night, discharge, groin and Pain radiating towards the anal area, pain after orgasm. It is also known that patients with intense complaints related to prostatitis may experience erectile dysfunction in the penis at certain periods, and that these complaints improve after prostatitis treatment.
How is prostatitis diagnosed?
The first step in diagnosing the disease is taking a detailed history. It is often possible to make a diagnosis by evaluating the complaints. It is possible to obtain very valuable information by examining the prostate rectally (anus) with finger. Although this examination may cause temporary discomfort, it is an extremely simple and harmless method. It is usually possible to diagnose prostatitis at this stage. In some special cases, rectal prostate massage and examination of the fluid coming from the urinary tract may be necessary. Additionally, separate urine samples may be taken before and after this massage for examination.
Is a prostate examination painful?
No, it is a very simple and painless procedure.
Prostatitis leads to prostate cancer. ?
Although it is not certain, prostatitis and cancer may be present at the same time after the age of 40. The most important point is that if prostatitis is detected, especially in people with familial risk, they should be followed closely with Total PSA and Free PSA tests.
Can prostatitis be transmitted to my partner through sexual contact?
No. Prostatitis is not a sexually transmitted disease. However, if the acute type of the disease is accompanied by urinary tract (urethra) infection (urethritis) and prostatitis, then transmission to your partner may occur. In this case, your doctor will warn you.
How is prostatitis treated?
4 basic treatments have been revealed as a result of recent studies in the treatment of prostatitis. It is recommended to apply the principle:
1. Treatment of inflammation
2. Relief of urinary difficulty
3. Relief of spasm
4. Relief of stress
1. Antibiotic treatment
Long-term antibiotic treatment is applied in inflammatory prostatitis. The patient initially benefits from short-term antibiotic treatment, but his symptoms begin again when the antibiotic is discontinued. Therefore, it is important to continue antibiotic treatment for 4-6 weeks in acute or chronic microbial prostatitis.
2. Alpha receptor blockers
It is known that smooth muscle cells, which are densely found in the prostate gland structure, also play a role in the obstruction caused by the prostate. The effect of these drugs is on these smooth muscle cells. Since its effects appear in a short time and are beneficial while used, they can be used in addition to antibiotic treatment when necessary. It is generally recommended to use it for 3-6 months. There are four different groups of drugs most commonly used today. Their activities are no different. The side effects of these drugs (dizziness, decrease in the amount of semen, weakness, etc.) are different. The most appropriate treatment for the patient is decided by taking these side effects into consideration.
3. Relieving spasm
It is known that patients, especially chronic prostatitis patients, benefit from heat applied to the genital area. Hot sitz baths or hot thermophor applications for the purpose of genital heat application are probably effective by creating relaxation in the pelvic region muscles. Another alternative method that can be applied to patients whose complaints do not improve despite this application is Magnetic Pelvic Floor Stimulation (ExMI) Treatment.
Although the exact mechanism is not known, it is observed that the problem of chronic prostatitis is exacerbated by the stressful events experienced in the person's life. Therefore, the patient also needs psychological support. Especially in Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, treatment is sometimes not possible, in this case, efforts are made to improve the quality of life and treatments are applied for the complaints. In these patients, the patient is given information about protection against factors that may cause increased complaints. p>
What should patients with prostatitis pay attention to?
Make sure your sexual life is regular. Do not hold back when you need to ejaculate during intercourse. Protect your body, especially your feet, from the cold. 30 minutes every evening, especially in cold weather. Take a hot sitz bath for a while. When you get out of the sea or pool, change your swimsuit with a dry one. Cold concrete, etc. Do not sit on the floor. Stay away from alcoholic beverages (especially beer and wine). Don't be constipated. Stay away from spicy foods. Avoid trips that require sitting for long periods of time.
Can the same complaints occur after a while after prostatitis treatment?
Yes, it can. Especially in chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, despite all treatment methods and protective measures, the disease may occur during climatic changes and sometimes during stressful periods of the person.
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