Cancer and Genetic Mutation

Almost all cancers that develop in our body have a gene dysfunction at their root.

Genes are small pieces of DNA that form in chromosomes. It is necessary to think of these small DNA particles as a kind of user manual; each gene contains different messages about the work that needs to be done within the cell. In short, genes determine what should be done inside the cell and regulate cell function, and therefore all body functions.

For example, some genes manage hormone secretion, some regulate antioxidation, some ensure protein production, and some control cell proliferation, development and growth. Some of them manage the destruction of old and unhealthy cells, and some of them manage the repair of DNA (gene) damage that has developed. DNA damage means genetic disorder, gene mutation, which means incorrect user manual, so it must be corrected or destroyed, otherwise things may come to an undesirable point, such as cancer development, disruption of hormone production, etc.

I said it could come to an undesirable point, because not every genetic disorder has serious consequences. If you live healthy, your body can tolerate the gene disorder and there may be mild symptoms.

If you live unhealthy, for example if you are malnourished, if you are exposed to toxins, If you drink alcohol or are exposed to stress, the symptoms of the existing gene mutation may be more severe. We call such internal and external factors that cause genetic disorders to have more severe consequences epigenetic factors. For this reason, for example, not everyone with a BRCA mutation develops breast cancer; epigenetic factors are decisive.

Genetic mutations either come from the mother or father, or occur later in any period of our lives. If there is inheritance, it is called "germline mutation" and is seen in all cells in the body. This genetic disorder can be inherited to subsequent generations (there is a 50% chance). If the genetic disorder (mutation) has occurred at any time in our lives, rather than through inheritance, it is called "somatic mutation", and in this case, the genetic disorder is seen only in the affected cells, not in all cells, and these are not inherited to subsequent generations.

The most well-known genetic mutation One of these is the BRCA gene mutation seen in breast cancer. The BRCA gene is a gene that normally repairs DNA damage. A mutation in the BRCA gene causes this gene to fail to do its job. For example, cancer may develop because a DNA defect in the breast cell cannot be repaired.

Diseases caused by genetic disorders are now better recognized. Genetic counseling should be sought in suspected cases.


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