What is the Bonding Procedure in Aesthetic Dentistry?

There are many factors that affect the color and appearance of your teeth. Some people's teeth are naturally yellower than others. Teeth may become yellower and grayer with age. This occurs as a result of the wear of the tooth's enamel (the hard and whiter outer layer of the tooth) over the years, becoming more transparent and reflecting the yellower tooth tissue (dentin) underneath.

Bonding application is generally used to close tooth gaps, It is the repair of tooth decay and fractures by using composite materials to change the appearance of chipped or discolored teeth.

The most important difference that distinguishes bonding from veneers is that it can be done in a single session without the need for a laboratory. Additionally, these restorations are cheaper than veneers because there are no laboratory costs. Restorations made using bonding protect the tooth structure by removing less material from the tooth and also reduce tooth sensitivity by being used to cover the exposed root surface. In some cases, it can also be done by gluing the material to the tooth without damaging the tooth. In most cases, it is a method performed only between the teeth or on the broken part of the tooth. For this reason, bonding is a completely protective application for the teeth. Bonding application is a beautiful, easy and quick technique in aesthetic dentistry. It can also be used as a supportive application after braces treatments.

   The bonding method, which can be applied at almost all ages, eliminates all aesthetic concerns in dental structures. Treatments in the form of bonding fillings are made individually for those who do not like the shape of their teeth. Since bonding application is a very fast and economical application, it appeals to every budget. While the decision as to whether bonding dental treatment and dental filling procedures are beneficial for the patient is made as a result of physician checks, alternative treatments are also recommended by dentists.

   When performing bonding filling, first the color is selected and the tooth surface is roughened. With dental bonding, a material compatible with the tooth is covered so that the filling can adhere to the tooth. The prepared composite is applied to the tooth and the material is hardened with laser light. After the placement is completed, the shaping process is carried out and after polishing, the The patient can return to his/her daily life.

   How long the bonding can be used depends on where the bonding is in the mouth and how well it is cared for. If you have bonding done on the biting end of your front tooth and you are biting a pencil or chewing your nails with your front teeth; This bonding restoration will not remain in the mouth for a very long time. Bonding can usually be used for several years or for years with repairs. Reflux and heavy alcohol use will weaken the bonding restoration. Teeth grinding can wear away these restorations. However, this wear process is the same for natural tooth enamel, metal fillings and porcelain veneers. With proper care, bonding is an excellent way to beautify your smile.

   After bonding dental treatment, it is necessary to stay away from colored foods and drinks as much as possible in the first 48 hours to protect from stains or minimize their formation. Tea, coffee and smoking cause discoloration of the resin material used in bonding application. It is necessary to pay attention to regular oral care. Avoiding hard foods and paying attention to dental cleaning and care are important to prevent damage to bonding fillings. Habits such as nail biting and pencil biting will cause teeth to break, so it is necessary to give up these habits.


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