It is possible to change the appearance of the eyes with eyelid surgeries. So, to what extent, for what purpose and to what limit?

Let's say it from the very beginning; It is not possible to choose the eye model you like from the catalogue.

Let my eyes be slanted like seeds, almond-shaped, round like Disney characters, cover half of my face, or like an actress... Dear patients, do not come to us with these.

Each individual has a unique eye shape and each eye is unique and beautiful. Unless we count some congenital, acquired or aging-related deformations defined within the field of aesthetic surgery, there is no such thing as an ugly or unattractive eye shape, it has not been defined. Moreover, even deformations are open to discussion to some extent when it comes to facial beauty.

For example, the appearance of the white of the eye as a result of the lower eyelid being lower than the pupil is a deformity that we call "Scleral Show" in plastic surgery. This deformity may be a complication of lower eyelid surgeries, or it may be a defining feature of the beautiful eyes of beauty icon women such as Türkan Şoray.
So, in what cases and how can we change the appearance of the eye?

Eyelids like a hammock. Let's think. We call the corners at the far end where the hammock is tied to the trees "kanthus". These corners correspond to the points in anatomy where the eyelids attach to the bone skeleton. There is also a very complex connective tissue and muscle structure that moves this hammock. As a basic principle, all surgeries that change the shape of the eyelid cause some level of damage to these mechanisms. For this reason, you cannot operate on an eyelid, for example, 10 times. After 3-4 times, the slippery planes between the tissues and the microscopic anatomy of the tissues may deteriorate to a level that cannot be corrected by surgery.

The first and most important situation in which we change the shape of the eyelid. "Reconstruction surgery" is the correction of eyelid deformations that develop congenital, traumatic, tumoral or secondary to plastic surgery. In other words, surgeries in which deviations from normal are tried to be brought closer to normal. Depending on the size of the eyelid deformity Accordingly, it is possible to reconstruct the canthus or redesign the points where the lid attaches to the bone, to repair the muscles that open and close the upper eyelid, to repair the mechanisms that close and keep the lower eyelid open, and to regulate the skin deficiencies or excesses on the eyelid.
< The second important situation in which we change the shape of the eyelids is the precautions we take to protect the patient from the complications of plastic surgeries. Especially in lower eyelid surgeries, we may need to shape the outer corner of the lower eyelid hammock, namely the lateral canthus, in order to pull the eyelid down and prevent it from turning outwards away from the eye after the surgery. It may be necessary to shorten the loosened ligament or lid in this area, to hang the muscle tissue to a higher level to support the eyelid and keep it tense, or to completely release the point where the lid attaches to the bone and fix it to the bone in a new position.
My aim here is not to confuse you with surgical techniques, To be able to explain how specific the decision and implementation process is. When undergoing lower eyelid rejuvenation surgery, we always inform patients with weak lid support mechanisms that "in order to maintain the shape of the eyelid in the long term, you may need to have slanted eyes in the early period. It usually takes 6-12 weeks for this situation to return to normal, although in some techniques it may take up to 1 year." .

Apart from these requirements, our patients, whose aging-related changes around the eyes are not yet at a level that requires surgery, describe them on their smartphone screen; We have to leave their requests unanswered, such as my eyes are slanted like this girl's, almonds, olives, ahu, shehla like that.
Because we do not yet have data such as the risks, complication rates, and long-term results of surgical interventions to be performed in this patient group. My advice to you is that you should not be a candidate for any surgical procedure that has not passed the test of time, has not entered the literature, has not been presented at international congresses, and has not been accepted by the majority of the plastic surgery community. No matter how cool the name of the surgery sounds, no matter how cute the doctor is, no matter how often you hear it on television and social media... Stay on the safe side.
Stay with love
Stay beautiful.

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