Piles-Hemorrhoids Treatment

Hemorrhoids are cushions that exist at the end of the intestinal system. These cushions prevent damage to the surrounding muscle tissue and thus protect the anal physiology.

Hemorrhoidal disease, popularly known as hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids, is caused by damage to these beneficial cushions, swelling due to trauma, and resulting bleeding.

The main causes of hemorrhoids are rectal bleeding, pain, weakness, anemia, fatigue and dizziness, bleeding in the stool, itching, discharge, feeling of wetness in the anus, irregularity in defecation, swelling in the anus and pain or burning during defecation. We can count them as symptoms. Anal fissure, anal fistula, perianal abscess and thrombosis are other diseases seen in patients presenting with such complaints. Pain is a very late symptom for hemorrhoids. If there is severe pain in the initial period, thrombosed hemorrhoids, perianal abscess or anal fissure should be considered.

Can Hemorrhoids Be a Harbinger of Different Diseases?

Another condition that is important in diseases such as hemorrhoids is any underlying disease. whether there is a tumor or not. In other words, hemorrhoids can be a sign of colon cancer. Therefore, if you have symptoms such as bleeding from your anus and feel severe pain, you should definitely consult your doctor without wasting time. You should not use any medication or cream other than your doctor's recommendation. This disease can only be diagnosed as a result of a rectoscopic or colonoscopic examination. If the disease you consider to be hemorrhoids is a symptom of a more serious disease, especially a tumor, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is vital in every disease. If you don't pay attention and ignore it, this disease may even prevent you from walking over time. Therefore, when you start to show the first symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and have the necessary examinations done before you experience pain for a long time. In order for these examinations to be performed properly and accurately, you need to research your doctor thoroughly and choose the right one.

Patients generally apply to doctors with complaints of bleeding, breast-shaped protrusion, and periodic pain.

In Turkey and around the world. quite often This disease is observed more frequently, especially in the patient group whose work and social life requires inactivity for a long time.

Inaccuracies in toilet habits, pregnancy, inactive life, obesity, old age and most importantly, a pulp-free diet are the most important factors of the disease.

Increasing the amount of fiber in the diet in early disease, increasing daily fluid intake, taking a hot shower for the anus and performing daily abdominal exercises can help return to the disease-free period.

If the disease does not improve with diet recommendations. In hemorrhoidal disease, it is possible to get rid of the disease early with non-invasive methods called minimally invasive methods.

Minimally invasive treatments are treatments that do not require hospitalization and allow patients to return to social and business life quickly after the procedure. These minimally invasive methods, also known as knifeless procedures, are rubber band ligation, infrared coagulation, sclerotherapy and thd method.

In advanced disease, hemorrhoids can be treated with a knife, that is, surgery. These methods are laser, open hemorrhoidectomy, closed hemorrhoidectomy, ultrasonic hemorrhoidectomy and stapler hemorrhoidectomy.

Surgery or non-surgical, that is, minimally invasive treatment is the treatment process that should be decided together after a discussion between the doctor and the patient after the patient examination.

Surgical or non-surgical treatment methods for hemorrhoidal disease are procedures performed to restore the disease. It should not be forgotten that regardless of the procedure, if the patient does not pay attention to fiber and fiber intake, does not consume enough fluids, and does not do daily exercises, it is possible for the disease to recur.

Not all treatment methods applied have a definite and clear superiority over each other. For this reason, treatment selection should be made according to the patient's complaints and the status of the hemorrhoidal disease, and the patient should be given detailed information about the treatment method.





In this treatment method, the blood flow to the hemorrhoid is stopped by entering from the anus area and placing a band on the vein root where the hemorrhoid veins become superficial. The oid is hung inwards, i.e. upwards. In this way, it is tried to return the sagging and enlarged hemorrhoid cushions to their disease-free state.


In this treatment method, infrared light is applied to the vascular root where the hemorrhoidal veins are superficial by entering from the anal area and hitting the vascular wall in this area. In this way, the blood flow to the hemorrhoids is stopped. The hemorrhoid cushion, which cannot be fed with blood, is tried to shrink and return it to its previous state. .


Doppler device is a sound device that can detect passing vessels in the body. In this method, after detecting and marking the vessels leading to the hemorrhoid with a miniaturized Doppler device, these vessels are tried to be closed with the help of another closure device and simultaneously pulled upwards, that is, into the intestine.





In this method, the hemorrhoid cushion is entered with a fiberoptic laser. The disease is tried to return to its previous state by burning the hemorrhoid tissues with circular light beams.


In this method, also known as knife surgery, hemorrhoid tissue is removed with the help of a scalpel and this area is left open. This method, which is performed under operating room conditions, is an existing and applied treatment method.


In this method, which is almost exactly similar to the open hemorrhoidectomy method, after the hemorrhoid odor is removed, it is done with the help of mutually healthy tissues. is closed. It is a treatment method that has been around for years and has been performed under operating room conditions.


This method, which combines traditional surgery and ultrasonic sound waves, is the method used in surgical hemorrhoid treatment today. High level sound waves in hemorrhoids While it cuts the tissues, it also glues the healthy tissues together. In this way, it reduces post-operative complications.


Due to the presence of intense feelings surrounding the entire anus due to advanced hemorrhoidal disease, instead of removing the hemorrhoidal cushion one by one, it is removed 360 degrees with the help of a special cutting and covering tool and simultaneous closure of tissue loss.

What is done before and after the treatment?

Whether the treatment of hemorrhoids will be surgical or not varies depending on the degree of hemorrhoids. Emptying the intestines before hemorrhoid surgery provides comfort to both the patient and the doctor during and after the surgery. But it is not mandatory. In some cases, it can even be harmful. Because in some patients, diarrhea continues after the surgery, various problems may arise. Post-treatment pain is felt most within 2-3 hours after surgery. However, the patient does not feel pain because he will be under anesthesia during this period. Surgery duration varies depending on the type of procedure to be performed.

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