What is Prostate Cancer and Its Causes?

Disruption of genetic control results in cells proliferating uncontrollably and forming a large mass (tumor). It is described as benign or malignant depending on its tendency to spread to surrounding healthy tissue. Due to its ability to spread to the surrounding tissue, if prostate cancer spreads to the tissues around the prostate, it is considered a locally advanced disease. The spread of cancer to more distant tissues is known as metastasis and occurs in its later stages.

Why Does Prostate Cancer Occur in Some Men?
 The risk of developing prostate cancer throughout life is approximately 10%.
Your chance of getting prostate cancer depends on what your personal risk factors are. Having a risk factor indicates that you are more likely to get any disease.

What are the risk factors in prostate cancer?
The strongest risk factor of prostate cancer is advanced age. This disease usually occurs in men over the age of 40. The most important risk factor for prostate cancer, after age, is family history. A person whose father, brother, grandfather or uncle has the disease is at higher risk than a person who has no relatives with the disease. This is especially true for people whose close relative developed prostate cancer under the age of 60. Ethnicity is also important. It is least common in Asian men. There are various other risk factors for prostate cancer that you can influence. The first of these “modifiable risk factors” is consumption of animal foods that contain high amounts of saturated fat. It is known that a high-fat diet increases the incidence of prostate cancer. It would be appropriate to recommend a diet low in eggs, milk, cheese, butter and red meat to an individual who is concerned about prostate cancer (or heart disease). In addition, it may be beneficial to make some additions to the diet. If you want to take a vitamin or mineral supplement, it would be appropriate to consult your doctor first. The environment you live in is also important. Machine users, laborers, farmers, welders It was found to be higher in r and industrial workers than in other groups. Hormone contributions are important. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) taken in high doses can trigger prostate enlargement or prostate cancer.

Why is the PSA Test important? 
 PSA, prostate specific antigen, is a protein-like substance found abundantly in the fluid within the prostate. Detection of PSA amount in blood samples (PSA test) plays an extremely important role in the early diagnosis of prostate cancer and the selection of effective treatment.


Finding a Good Urologist 
 If your family doctor has determined that your PSA level is elevated (above 2.5 ng/ml) or your free PSA ratio is low (<18%), you are probably You will be referred to a urologist. It is vital that you feel comfortable with and trust your doctor. You may have a general examination, but a digital rectal examination (DRM) will definitely be performed. This examination is routinely performed in prostate evaluation. Your doctor will put a glove on your hand and apply lubricant to your finger. It will tell you what position you should take. He or she will then touch your prostate to evaluate its size, shape, consistency, and surface. This examination is not painful, it is just uncomfortable. Try relaxing until it's over, it will only take a few seconds. You may be asked for a urine sample. This sample may be investigated for the presence of bacteria or blood. Ultrasound can be used to evaluate prostate size and tissue structure. If there is a possibility of prostate cancer, you will likely be offered a biopsy, an outpatient procedure, based on your PSA level. This method is used to take tissue samples from your prostate, which are then sent to a pathology laboratory to be examined under a microscope. The pathologist looks for cancer and grades it if there is.

Choice of treatment  
 The choice of the treatment that is best for you depends on many factors.

• How aggressive and advanced the cancer is (grade and stage)

 • Your age

 • Gene l your health condition

• Your preferences regarding treatment

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