What can be done to prevent depression that may occur during adolescence?

Psychological problems are encountered during adolescence and adolescent depression is becoming increasingly common today. The contribution of the family and the school is very important in preventing depression that may occur in adolescence.

In minimizing depression in this period,

· Ensuring strong commitment to school,

· Increasing social support.

·         It has been determined that establishing strong interpersonal relationships provides positive contributions.

Family is of great importance at this point. Especially the excessive level of care and protection and the resulting oppressive attitude are effective in children experiencing various psychological problems during the transition to adolescence. Additionally, neglecting maintenance and protection can lead to similar results. Elements such as the support, unity and tolerance provided by parents to the child are very effective in protecting adolescents from depression.

 Protecting and maintaining the psychological health of adolescents is not only the responsibility of those who are responsible for taking care of the adolescent. The influence of the adolescent's environment is also quite high. In this context, the school and its facilities and circle of friends, the social programs offered by the school to the adolescent, the existence of living spaces, the support of neighbors, etc. It is also quite effective. In addition, the degree of social control over the adolescent is also important in maintaining mental health (Alşen, 2012).

In addition to environmental measures, it is seen that the individual characteristics of the adolescent are also effective in the development of depression. An individual's ability to cope with problems, high self-esteem and problem-solving ability are effective in keeping depression at minimum levels. Therefore, activities aimed at increasing the adolescent's self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, providing coping skills and creating a healthy self-perception provide positive contributions in this process.


·         Communicate with your child, be a good listener. Children need the support of their parents in this process.

·&nb sp; When your child expresses his feelings and thoughts, avoid judging him and try to understand him.

·         Support your child and show that you are with him, this will make him feel safe.

·         Let him make his own choices. For example; hair style, color, clothing choice, etc. Give them freedom in their areas.

·         Express your expectations and limits as a parent. Talk to him about the reasons for these boundaries, allow your child to express his ideas and feelings, and aim to stretch the boundaries and reach a compromise when necessary.

·         Ensure he takes responsibility. Do housework, grocery shopping, etc. Assign responsibilities in their areas. This will increase the young person's self-confidence and also develop his sense of responsibility.


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