Babies often repeat a behavior from time to time. They suddenly start doing that behavior. For example; such as sticking out his tongue, hitting his head with his hand, moving one hand in the air (dancing), hitting his feet on the high chair, taking balloons out of his mouth, etc. I started to receive such questions from families frequently; why is he doing it?
The most important reason for this is that the baby reinforces this behavior. The most important factor in learning a behavior is its reinforcement by other people.
So how did your baby reinforce these behaviors? Let's say it's the behavior of taking out a balloon from his mouth, when your baby takes out a balloon from his mouth;
If you laughed at him,
Look at his mother, father, grandfather. .what is he doing? Look! If you reacted like, If you reacted negatively; Don't do it, take it and play with it, it's like why does this child always do this?
Your baby has reinforced the behavior, he/she continues to repeat the behavior to make you laugh, to make you pay attention to him/her, to attract attention. . The common point of each of your behaviors above is; It means giving a reaction to your baby when he/she behaves. So your baby repeats this behavior just for you to communicate with him/her :)
The underlying causes of some situations like this are very simple, and there is no need to look for anything further. ( Your baby is just trying to call out to you )
If you do not want the behavior to repeat;
This time, you can try not to react at all. When your baby continues the behavior, continue doing whatever you are doing at that moment, the behavior he has learned will fade away and will not repeat.
If your baby's repeated behaviors do not harm him/her; let it continue. Let him wave his hands, let balloons come out of his mouth, hit his legs on the high chair, dance... Enjoy that moment, too. There is a baby that will never come back to this age, and you witness its infancy once. Just lose yourself in your baby, who grows and changes day by day. Laugh and have fun together.
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