Passwords of the Right and Left Brain

Research provides new information about the brain every day. It is becoming increasingly important for a person to recognize his emotions and direct his brain correctly.

The left brain says 'IF' and 'BUT'

Today, we know that the left brain It is the area of ​​the brain that deals with words and numbers and focuses more on the past than the right brain. The characteristics of this field are that it is cold, sharp, angular, distant and harsh, and has strict rules. The left brain uses the words 'if' and 'but' a lot. These two words mean not making a decision right away. The left side of the brain is also prone to procrastination when trying to understand something. He also tends to be self-centered. He cares about things that will make him happy. For this reason, he is a priority. Since men's left brains work dominantly, their egocentric side is dominant. The left part of the brain uses the will logically.

The right brain is emotional!

The left brain is not open to new ideas. He is protective, conservative and defender. However, the right brain is pregnant with differences. He decides by trial and error. Since it is related to emotional areas, it wants its wishes to be immediate. Instead of thinking strategically, he finds tactics. He does not like to postpone his desires. He tends to make quick decisions and take action, he is hasty.

The left brain is masculine, the right is feminine.

The left brain is not open to new ideas. He is protective, conservative and defender. The right brain is pregnant with differences. He decides by trial and error. While the left brain deals with numbers and figures, the right brain's area of ​​interest consists mostly of visual subjects and pleasures. Aesthetic concerns are effective in the right brain.

The right brain decides according to love!

People with a dominant right brain add their emotions to their will. When doing business with a person or making a decision about him, they measure whether they like him or not rather than making a profit-loss analysis. When analyzing people, they show that their reference is emotion by saying "he loves me very much" or "I love him very much."

The right brain looks at the intention, the left brain looks at the process

Intention is not important in the left brain. It looks at the process and the result. The right brain acts according to intention. The left brain does not dream, but the right brain is a dreamer. Again, the right brain values ​​intuition very much. brain vision Monitoring studies have revealed that the left brain responds quickly to visual elements. However, the right brain responds more quickly to stimuli that can be considered emotional.

The right brain is sympathetic and the forebrain is empathetic

While the priority of the left brain is on itself, the priority of the right brain is on others. However, the forebrain determines well whether the priority will be on oneself or on others, and what choices will be made under what circumstances. The front brain thinks empathetically. For example, a person who thinks with his left brain describes the directions according to himself when giving directions to the other person. When he says, "You will go to the left," that left side is his own left. However, a person who can empathize takes the other party's direction into consideration.

The left brain analyzes the facts, the right brain analyzes the emotions

The right brain sees pink dreams. It's his job to dream dreams that are far from reality. The left brain, on the other hand, does not care about dreams and intuition and does not use them. Since the right brain has feminine characteristics, it is prone to intuitive thinking and is often right in its intuitions. The forebrain filters and uses intuition. In contrast to the right brain, which accepts everything it feels as true, the forebrain tries to understand whether its intuitions are correct. The left brain analyzes and prioritizes the facts, the right brain the emotions, and the front brain the truths.

Masculine characteristics are dominant in the left brain!

The right brain makes emotional decisions. He wants to make these decisions with faith. The left brain is in favor of making decisions, even if it does not believe it. The left brain is singular and masculine. So, masculine features are dominant. The right brain is pluralistic and has feminine characteristics. While the left brain tries to understand, the right brain tries to feel. While the left brain reacts in line with its interests in the events it encounters, the right brain approaches with a sympathetic view. So he immediately gets caught up in the action. A person whose right brain is dominant cries with someone when they cry. He tries to make others happy rather than himself. This feature is common in women; their feelings of compassion are intense and they are good mothers.

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