Obesity; It is a health problem that occurs as a result of excess fat accumulation in the body and must be treated. It can be seen in different age groups such as babies, children and adults. In the majority of individuals who are obese in adulthood, obesity started in childhood. It may be due to hormonal disorders at a low rate, but it usually occurs as a result of unbalanced nutrition and overeating.
How Does Fat Fat Occur During Childhood?
Nutrition during childhood causes fat cells to form in the body. This is the period in which it was basically formed. Fat cell formation in the body occurs in two ways: hypertrophyandhyperplasia. The increase in the volume of the fat cell is hypertrophy, and the proliferation of the fat cell is hyperplasia. While fat accumulation in childhood is generally in the form of hyperplasia (increase in the number of cells), it occurs in the form of hypertrophy (increase in volume) in later ages, and no newly formed fat cells in the body disappear. In hyperplastic adiposity, weight loss is more difficult because new fat cells are formed, and the increase in hyperplasic adiposity during childhood causes obesity in later ages and makes weight loss difficult.
Causes of Obesity;
<Genetic factors
Unhealthy eating habits originating from the family
Rarely seen hormonal disorders
Genetic factors
If both parents are obese, the probability of obesity in their children is 80%. If only one of the parents is obese, the probability of their child being obese is stated to be 40%. However, obesity in children can be prevented with a healthy diet from birth, in the first years of life and in the following periods.
Faulty Family Attitudes to Children's Nutrition
High cholesterol in overweight children. Diseases such as liver disease, fatty liver disease and diabetes have been on the obesity agenda lately. Since children spend most of their time with their parents, especially before the school year, they take their families as an example in terms of nutrition, and these habits continue to have an impact in later periods. That's why families They should not forget that they are role models for their children in nutrition, as in most matters. A reward-punishment approach should not be applied to children regarding food. Instead, you should choose to eat the same meal with your child. For example; If your child does not eat vegetable food, instead of giving him an approach such as 'If you eat this, I will give you chocolate or let you play on the computer', you should eat the same food with him and emphasize that it is very delicious. You should provide variety in your child's diet. For example; You should make your child feel that he/she is eating different foods by preferring meatballs not always by frying them, but sometimes in the oven and sometimes in stew. As much as possible, you should not take packaged foods home and you should not choose foods that you do not want your child to eat. Being forced to eat while your child is eating, even though he says he is full, creates a lack of self-confidence in children along with obesity. Trying to make children eat and stuffing food into their mouths while watching television programs with lots of colorful images that attract their attention is one of the biggest mistakes families make. Giving children junk food and feeding them fast food and fizzy drinks to keep them quiet when they misbehave also lead to obesity.
Hormonal disorders
Thyroid. Some hormonal reasons such as gland diseases and adrenal gland diseases also lead to obesity. For this reason, every obese child must be evaluated by a pediatrician.
Your child's nutritional needs for growth and development are different from other age groups, and the nutrition program should be specific to him/her. In the first stage, family history, health findings, growth records, and physical activity history should be evaluated along with nutritional history. Taking the nutritional history of children is one of the most important issues at this point. Because some children do not eat much, but the foods they consume may have high energy content. For this reason, in order for your child to reach his ideal weight and gain healthy eating habits, he must be fed under the supervision of a nutrition and diet specialist. must implement the program.
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