Birth is not just the birth of a baby; It is the birth of a woman to motherhood and a man to fatherhood, so birth is a milestone period. Contrary to popular belief, the psychohistorical story of a human being begins to take shape not at the moment of birth, but before birth, as it falls into the minds of his parents and through the transfers from his ancestors.
The birth of a baby is not only a physiological action, it also includes many psychological factors. Therefore, it is very important to prepare for birth psychologically as well as physiologically. If we divide this process into 3 groups; It is important to prepare for birth as a whole, as the prenatal pregnancy period, the moment of birth and the postpartum period, each area has different physiological and psychological factors.
Many unresolved conflicts from the past resurface during pregnancy; While the expectant mother and father begin to create their own parenting processes, their own past family experiences also begin to be imagined. The mother-to-be's birth story in her own family history, the effects of pregnancy experiences and perceptions on her current pregnancy process, feelings and thoughts suppressed since childhood, traumatic events experienced, previous births, miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth stories, if any, incomplete mourning processes, parental conflicts, birth and birth. The person's perception about it can be revealed during pregnancy and at the time of birth and can change the course of birth. In addition, designs related to the baby to be born, hormonal changes, physiological and psychological changes brought about by pregnancy in the expectant mother; It may trigger anxiety about the baby, fear of the unknown of birth, or unresolved personal anxieties and fears from past experiences.
The moment of birth; It is an area of complete surrender and trust, the person must turn inward and focus on his body and baby without being in control. In this process, conflicts, fears, anxieties that have not been studied before, negative factors originating from the person's psychological processes from outside or inside can activate the unconscious and prevent the birth from progressing, even though there is no medical reason. .
The postpartum period begins with the birth of the baby. How well your birth goes as you wish is a fundamental factor that will affect your well-being after birth. It is expected that anxiety and sadness, which are within the normal range, will not pass within 10 days. Studies show that; Situations such as psychological distress experienced during pregnancy, depression, anxiety, postpartum stress, spouse-related problems, inadequate postpartum support, concerns about child care, unplanned pregnancy, cesarean birth, and motherhood blues are among the factors that increase the frequency of experiencing postpartum depression.
Although the spiritual domain is ignored and postponed because it is an abstract concept, spiritual well-being has a very important place both during the prenatal pregnancy period, at the time of birth, and in the postnatal period. Although it is thought that the fetus is not affected by the troubles and concerns experienced because it is in the womb; The fetus is a being that can see, hear and feel. Just as a pregnant mother-to-be's smoking, drinking alcohol or consuming harmful foods can be harmful to the baby, the psychological processes of the mother can have effects on the baby.
The uterus is the baby's first home, and what they learn and feel in this nest is the first step of what they will learn about life. is happening. It should not be forgotten that; Just as our own birth story is a factor in shaping our personality, the birth story of the unborn baby is also very important in shaping its own psychohistorical story.
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