10 Common Misconceptions About Diet

There is information about diets that we think is true, but in reality it misleads us. It should be known that diets are based on each individual's metabolism, which varies, not on hearsay. You can find the list of 10 common mistakes in diet and their explanations in the rest of the article.

Skipping Meals and Staying Fast for a Long Time

One of the mistakes that most people who complain about their weight make is skipping meals. Skipping meals is the factor that causes us to stay hungry for a long time. Allowing the stomach to remain hungry for a long time during the diet will cause us to overload on the food we ate in the first meal. Fasting for a long time will cause us to gain weight, not lose weight during the diet. Staying hungry for a long time will cause the other functions of the stomach to fail and lead to an unhealthy or even poor quality life.

Consuming a lot of Light Products with the thought that it will not cause weight gain

Light product contains sugar and sugar with 25% reduced energy. These are limited oil products. It is wrong to think that you will lose weight by consuming these products. Normally these products were initially prepared for diabetics. The purpose of consuming this product is; It is the equivalence established by the low nutritional value of one product and the high nutritional value of the other product. Light products both restrict calories and make you feel full due to their high fiber content. In this regard, light products help you lose weight as long as you pay attention to the portions.

The point to be considered is that people tend to consume more light products because they are low in calories. As a result, the person's likelihood of gaining weight increases. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount consumed. Products should not be consumed too much because they are light.

Applying Other People's Diets


Applying Others' Diets

Many factors are taken into consideration when preparing diet lists. These are;

These Besides, everyone's metabolic rate is different. For this reason, not every diet list is suitable for everyone. Food amounts and portion sizes are different for everyone. A person who follows the wrong diet causes both the immune system to decrease due to malnutrition and the loss of muscle mass. This situation may cause more serious problems in later ages. One of the important things in nutrition programs is order. No one's clock patterns match each other. While the body works in a systematic order, such changes have negative consequences. Therefore, the person should create a diet program that is suitable for him/her with the help of an expert.

Consuming Tea and Coffee Instead of Water

A person's average daily water need is around 8-10 glasses. On hot and humid days, the body loses more fluid. Therefore, the lost fluid must be replenished. In this case, one of the most important things to know is that drinks such as tea and coffee do not meet the fluid needs and do not replace water. On the contrary, since these drinks have a diuretic effect, they cause a lot of fluid loss from the body.

I Should Eliminate Carbohydrates From My Life


I Should Eliminate Carbohydrates From My Life

It is very difficult to get rid of foods containing carbohydrates. But there are great reasons for us to quit. Because people who eliminate carbohydrates from their lives experience positive developments in their lives. These are:

However, we still completely eliminate carbohydrates from our lives. It should not be consumed, it should be reduced.

Consuming Only Salad

Losing weight by eating only one type of salad is also among the common mistakes. If only salad is eaten, the body starts to eat itself because it cannot get protein and carbohydrates. This causes you to lose muscle, not fat. Since 70-80% of vegetables are water, the salad disappears from the stomach very quickly and makes you feel hungry quickly. In some cases, this requires eating a lot and causes further weight gain. Another overlooked issue is salad dressings. The calories of sauces should not be underestimated. Salad is beneficial for losing weight and having a healthy diet if you have a proper and balanced diet.

Thinking that Herbal Teas Help You Lose Weight

It is thought that herbal teas will directly help you lose weight, but they only have effects that help speed up the metabolism. What you need to know is that no herbal tea directly provides weight loss without a healthy diet and physical activity.

Not Consuming Anything

If nothing is eaten, the glycogen stores stored in the muscles will be used as energy at first. There is no difficulty in spending it. Then, when these stores run out, fat and muscle loss begins, that is, when body weight decreases, the brain will be directly alerted. The body and the brain tend to maintain the order in which they operate systematically, so they will wage war with all their means to quickly change the order. Thus, the desire for hunger will increase even more, there will be a loss of concentration and the person will begin to feel malaise.

Using Weight Loss Drugs

Nowadays, people resort to many ways to lose weight. The most dangerous and irreversible method is trying to lose weight by using medication. According to research, it has been determined that people who use weight loss drugs have serious psychological problems. People's desire to knowingly harm themselves in order to lose weight has resulted in this. It is seen that weight loss drugs cause diseases such as palpitations, heart attacks and blood pressure due to the presence of chemicals in them. Apart from these, it affects brain functions, causes addiction and causes physical harm.

The thought of losing weight just by doing sports

Eg Although losing weight by exercising is very effective, it is not a completely sufficient factor on its own. Because just by focusing on exercises, more energy consumption occurs and the person starts to eat more. Besides exercising, there are also things we need to pay attention to. These; There are factors that help sports that need to be kept under control, such as consuming less lean and less fatty proteins, staying away from junk food, eating only at the table, not using sauces that are high in calories, and not consuming high-calorie drinks.


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