Myomas are benign tumors that develop in the uterus. It is found in 25-50% of all women. Many women with fibroids are not aware of it because they sometimes cause no symptoms or problems. However, in some women, myomas may cause problems due to their size, number and location.
*How common is myoma?
It is seen in one in every four women. It shrinks after menopause. 40% of women over the age of 40 have myomas.
*What is the reason for myoma formation?
Although it is not known for certain, the female hormone estrogen causes myomas to grow. leads to growth. Therefore, as estrogen increases during pregnancy, the myoma grows, and as it decreases in menopause, the myoma shrinks. There is also a genetic predisposition to myoma, especially in women on the mother's side who have myoma.
*What are the symptoms of myoma?
Some myomas do not cause symptoms. In those who show symptoms, more menstrual bleeding, longer or more frequent menstrual periods, menstrual pain, non-menstrual vaginal bleeding, anemia, pain in the abdomen and waist, frequent urination, and constipation may be observed.
*Myoma. What are its types?
There are different types depending on their location in the outer layer, middle layer and inner layer of the uterus. There are also stalked myomas that grow outside the uterus.
*Are there any other problems caused by myomas?
There is a 40% chance of miscarriage in women with myomas. Additionally, myomas may be a cause of infertility depending on their location.
*How is myoma diagnosed?
It can be detected during a gynecological examination by an obstetrician. It can also be detected by ultrasound, magnetic resonance (MR), hysteroscopy, hsg, laparoscopy.
*How is the treatment of myoma? p>
Myomas that do not cause symptoms, are small, or occur in a woman approaching menopause are monitored. Myomas that cause symptoms are treated surgically. Unfortunately, there is no drug treatment for myomas.
*What are the surgical methods in the treatment of myoma?
1-Myomectomy: It is the removal of only the myoma, leaving the uterus in place. Since the woman preserves her uterus, she has the chance to have children. Myomectomy last The patient who becomes pregnant during intercourse is delivered by cesarean section.
2-Hysterectomy: It is the removal of the uterus. The ovaries may or may not be removed. For this procedure, the uterus can be removed through an incision in the abdomen or through the vagina. A woman cannot have children after a hysterectomy.
3-Uterine artery embolization: With this method, the blood vessels leading to the uterus are blocked. It is performed by a radiologist specially trained for this job. This method cannot be applied to all types of myomas, this must be decided by a gynecologist.
*What is the course of myomas during pregnancy?
It probably does not cause any problems during pregnancy. Myoma size may increase during pregnancy. For this reason, it may cause pain and a feeling of pressure in pregnant women. Miscarriage or premature birth during pregnancy may cause the baby to be in a breech position. Rarely, it may close the cervix and prevent the baby from passing through the birth canal. In this case, a caesarean section is required. Myomas often do not need to be treated during pregnancy.
*Do myomas turn into cancer?
The probability of turning into cancer is very low, around two in a thousand. In case of rapid growth, it should be evaluated for the risk of turning into cancer.
If you have or have had fibroids in the past, do not neglect regular medical check-ups.
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