Strengths of People with Dyslexia

Dyslexia; It is defined as Reading Disorder within Learning Disorders. Other learning disorders; Mathematics Disorder and Written Expression Disorder. Dyslexia; Since it is the most common type, it has become a term generally used in the world to describe learning disorders. Dyslexia is not caused by a lack of intelligence or a desire not to learn; With appropriate teaching methods, students with dyslexia can learn successfully. Dyslexia also occurs in people at intellectual levels. People with dyslexia can be very successful. They are generally talented in fields such as art, computers, design, theatre, electronics, mathematics, mechanics, music, physics and sports.”

What are the symptoms?

Parents who wonder whether their child has dyslexia should first be diagnosed appropriately by a specialist, not what they see on the internet. If we look at their general characteristics, they have reading difficulties such as reading words backwards, skipping words, skipping syllables, mixing up syllables, mixing up letters, and reading haltingly. When they want to write, it is possible that they write letters backwards, mix up some letters with numbers, in short, mix up similar symbols and use them incorrectly. For example: They can write the letter “E” backwards or use the number “3” instead of “E”. Especially the lowercase letter "d" and the letter "b", letters with dots and letters without dots are often confused. Learning disorder – Learning disability: They may not be able to follow simple commands and have learning difficulties. For example: They may confuse their left and right, and wear their shoes backwards. Such situations cause them to fall behind their peers.

Strengths of People with Dyslexia

People with dyslexia have more creative thinking. “Dyslexics are a mixed group with different types of behaviors and problems. For this reason, all of these behaviors can be found in an individual, or some of them can be seen. Although they have problems in reading or other academic areas, they also have positive aspects according to many people. For this reason, the problems seen in dyslexics are actually a gift. This view suggests that dyslexics are not successful despite these disabilities, but rather that they are successful because of these differences. He defends.

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