First of all, when working with the EMDR technique; We can reach quick and definitive solutions. Negative emotions processed as a working method not only change negative thought patterns, but the person also spontaneously shifts to rational thinking. When the trauma is studied, all symptoms disappear and there is usually no need to conduct a separate study on the symptom.
Accumulated negative emotions lead to negative thinking and negative attitudes. Negative thinking increases in these people due to feeling negative. However, the main thing is the accumulated negative emotional burden. However, if EMDR psychotherapy is applied together with dynamic and cognitive therapies, quick and radical solutions can be achieved. Because EMDR works through traumas and ensures that psychological or relationship problems disappear on their own. It is very important to benefit from this technology!
In EMDR psychotherapy, there is no need to separately focus on situations such as feeling bad for no reason, such as various states of distress, obsessions, depression, phobia, guilt.
Symptom/ States of feeling bad in various ways... Persistence of these states for long periods of time leads to the establishment of negative thought patterns. Anger, passive-aggressive attitudes, alcohol, procrastination, haste, and all behavioral disorders seen in children if there is no neurological disorder can be given as a few examples of this situation.
With EMDR psychotherapy
Psychosomatic stress-type pains. and results are achieved in the treatment of migraines, numbness, tingling, unreasonable muscle aches, feeling as if certain areas do not exist, pains and body sensations that have no physical cause. The important thing is that there is no physical cause causing physiological distress. We call such physical complaints with psychological reasons psychosomatic complaints.
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