Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were called venereal or sexually transmitted diseases until recent years. However, since the person carrying the disease agent can transmit the agent to others even though there are no symptoms, the World Health Organization has recommended the use of the concept of infection (contagion) instead of the concept of disease.
The number of infectious agents that can cause disease is more than 30, and new microorganisms are constantly added to this list. is added. STI agents: Viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, protozoa and ectoparasites. While AIDS, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Genital Herpes and Genital Warts are viral STIs, Syphilis (syphilis), Gonorrhea (gonorrhea), Chlamydia and Soft Shank are bacterial STIs.
The world's population, STIs, which affect approximately one in six, cause serious health problems, cause social problems and impose a heavy economic burden. Although efforts to prevent and control STIs have increased in recent years, they remain insufficient and STIs turn into a growing public health problem that threatens society.
The factors that cause STIs are oral, It can be transmitted anally or vaginally, as well as through blood or close body contact. Even though an individual carries the infection agent for years, he or she can transmit the agent to his or her sexual partner or partners without any symptoms, without being aware of it.
Symptoms that may occur in connection with STIs:
Frequent and painful urination
Fatigue, weakness and weakness
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
Skin rashes on the body and especially on the arms and legs
Shivers, chills and fever
Pain in muscles and joints
Wounds on sexual organs that can be painful
Herpes and wart-like structures on the genitals
Discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse
Itching in the genital areas
Swelling in the lymph nodes connected to the genital area
Menstrual irregularities, breakthrough bleeding and vaginal discharge that is different from normal
Yellow or green discharge from the penis in men, difficulty urinating, swelling of the testicles
In recent years, some factors have significantly increased the incidence of STIs. These factors are: resistance of disease-causing organisms as a result of frequent and unnecessary use of antibiotics, increased prevalence of sexual relations outside of marriage, sexual intercourse starting at younger ages, disruption of natural balance with changing lifestyles, and increased use of chemical substances.
In the fight against sexually transmitted infections, it is very important to first provide education and raise awareness about what a healthy sexual life should be like. In the prevention and control of diseases, it is important to make the diagnosis as quickly and accurately as possible, to provide an effective treatment, to check individuals periodically, to popularize the use of condoms, to teach the appropriate and correct use of condoms, to identify the sexual partners of individuals carrying the disease, to treat them and to call them for check-ups. /p>
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