What are the symptoms of colon cancer? Who are at risk?

Colon cancer, which is the third most common in women and the second most common in men, is one of the most treatable cancer types today thanks to early diagnosis. For this reason, Assoc. Prof. emphasizes that colon cancer screening programs provide a great advantage. Dr. Erdem Akbal listed what you need to know about the disease. Does colon cancer cause symptoms? Who should have regular screening?

Pointing out that the incidence of colon cancer is at a significant rate in our country, Assoc. Prof. working in the Gastroenterology department. Dr. Erdem Akbal touched upon an important point: Colon cancer has a chance of early diagnosis and is among the first preventable types of cancer.

Here is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Life-saving information from Erdem Akbal...

Colon cancer occurs as a result of abnormal cell growth in the large intestines. These growths into the intestinal lumen are called polyps or flat lesions. Approximately 80% of all polyps are risk factors for the development of cancer. Cancer develops from polyps called adenoma or serrated adenoma. Since there is a certain period of time between the development of polyp and cancer, it is possible to detect these precursor lesions before cancer develops. Dr. Akbal states that, for this reason, early diagnosis may be possible with colon cancer screenings.

What are the risk factors for the development of colon cancer?

Age, smoking, alcohol, gender, Obesity, decreased physical activity, having relatives with colon cancer in the family or having genetically inherited cancer syndromes (bladder cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer) are risk factors for colon cancer.

What is the role of nutrition in preventing colon cancer?

The first step in the development of colon cancer is a cellular disorder in the epithelial cells in the colon. There are a number of dietary factors that trigger this disorder. Fat content in foods, especially animal fat content, is an important factor. It disrupts the bacterial order in the intestines, which is one of the most popular topics recently, and causes an increase in the production of some carcinogenic substances containing nitrous amine, which is a risk factor for cancer. High consumption of red meat increases the risk of iron and some carcinogenic substances. causes an increase in the risk of colon cancer. A diet low in fiber and low in vegetables and fruits causes an increase in the risk of bowel cancer.

Be careful with smoking!

Smoking causes an increase in many types of cancer, especially lung cancer. is happening. Smoking also causes a significant increase in the development of colon cancer/polyp. The incidence of both bowel cancer and polyps increases, especially in those who smoke for a long time and at high rates.

It may not cause any complaints!

Colon cancer in patients who have no complaints. If screening for cancer is not performed on time, the life expectancy in these patient groups is shorter as the disease usually progresses until complaints occur. However, it may cause different complaints depending on the location in the large intestine. Bleeding, constipation, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, changes in bowel habits or the shape of the stool, weakness, fatigue, weight loss and iron deficiency are among the symptoms of colon cancer.

Who should be screened?

Screening should be done to detect colon cancer and colon polyps at an early stage in people who do not have any complaints. For this reason, the age limit of 50 has been introduced all over the world. Colon cancer screening is recommended for people over the age of 50, even if they do not have any complaints. Recently, it has been reported that screening can be performed at people under the age of 50 according to certain criteria based on scoring systems based on smoking and alcohol use and gender.

For people with a family history of colon cancer, screening usually begins at the age of 40. Screening for some special genetically inherited cancer syndromes should be started at a much earlier age. People with complaints should be tested for colon cancer when deemed necessary, regardless of age.

How is colon cancer screening performed?

Colonoscopy: The most reliable method to detect colon polyps and cancer is the screening method performed by colonoscopy. With colonoscopy, the large intestines are directly seen and a biopsy is taken from lesions such as polyps or cancer, which leads to diagnosis. wear in stool It is used in screening in some tests such as trace blood test, fecal DNA test, virtual colonoscopy, double contrast radiography. However, the accuracy rate in diagnosis is lower than colonoscopy.

If colon cancer or polyp is detected, can it be treated without surgery?

In the treatment of colon polyps and early stage colon cancers, endoscopy is performed. Polypectomy has been among the routine procedures performed for a long time. Recently, some large polyps/early stage cancers, which were previously only possible to be removed by surgery, can now be removed without surgery by methods called endoscopic mucosal resection, endoscopic submucosal dissection or endoscopic full-thickness resection.

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