What Happens During Adolescence?

The process defined as adolescence corresponds to the years after childhood and before young adulthood. Adolescence brings many changes and innovations in the body, brain, social relationships and psychological state. The period that starts between the ages of 11-14 may vary from individual to individual. While girls are ahead in terms of height and weight at the beginning of this period, boys gain speed in terms of height and weight later on. In the process that starts with adolescence and continues with the teenage years, thoughts, ideals and psychological changes cover an area of ​​approximately 8-10 years. Therefore, it continues with some changes in the early 20s. Although the adolescence process is sometimes perceived as a crisis, it would be more appropriate to consider it as a period of development in which many changes and innovations occur at the same time. On the other hand, there may be a process in which some behaviors that persist in childhood are balanced in later ages. If we look at the process of adolescence in more detail, physical changes, changes in the brain and mental processes can be examined in the context of emotional/psychological changes and social changes.

Physical Developments

Height growth and weight gain are observed. In terms of height growth, girls grow faster between the ages of 11-13 and boys at the ages of 13-15. For this reason, in early adolescence, girls appear larger than boys. Clumsiness may increase in adolescence with height and weight changes and changing body parts. Individuals may have difficulty with physical coordination for a while. Acne formation and voice changes are observed. Sexual maturation is observed in both girls and boys. In girls; Enlargement of the breasts, menstrual cycle, hair growth in the genital areas and armpits are observed. In men; Changes such as growth and development in the testicles and hair growth in the genital areas and armpits may be observed. These changes can scare and worry adolescents. Therefore, it is important for the family to be a safe haven, to be open to the individual's questions, and to have books at home that provide developmental information appropriate to the age of adolescents about the changes in these periods. Hormones play a role in sexual and physical changes. Testosterone increases up to 18 times in boys and estrogen levels increase up to 18 times in girls. These are related to the developments mentioned. Both hormones are present in both boys and girls, but the levels and differences of these hormones cause development in different body parts and reproductive systems. These hormones are not effective alone. According to research, although the level of hormones is not the only factor in development, it is seen that they play an active role in the factors in the social environment.

Developments in the Brain and Mental Process

Yazgan also ( 2018) states, it is the period in which the greatest renewal takes place in the human brain after the rapid development in infancy. For this reason, individuals who are psychologically prone to any genetic disorder; When people encounter situations such as difficult living conditions and traumatic experiences, mental disorders may occur due to the complex structure of the brain and the fact that it is in a great change. Apart from these, the decision-making center, the center where emotions are managed, and the part that provides the connection between the two hemispheres continue to develop. Strengthening this connection contributes to learning processes. It is a time of development when the neurons in the active areas used proliferate and become stronger, while those in the unused areas fade away. On the other hand, while this rapid development continues, it will help families to remember that their ability to curb their impulses and emotions is not yet fully developed, but continues to develop. We can compare this situation to a vehicle that has a powerful engine but has a problem with the brake system.

It is observed that they can understand assumptions more since they enter the period of abstract operations around the age of 11. It is observed that they try to recognize and find their ideals mentally, their ideas may change, and skills such as reasoning and problem solving develop and strengthen. Experiments are starting to be made on these skills. An inquisitive and critical perspective is in effect.

Emotional/Psychological Developments

Due to physical developments, difficulty in adapting to these innovations, adapting to the new appearance, sometimes acne, etc. There are feelings of dissatisfaction arising from the situations. intense emotional and intellectual processes are active. The path they follow when thinking about the future is more foggy, and they cannot make predictions as well as adults. Therefore, they may encounter confusion and demoralization in the face of rapid multifaceted changes. There is a self-centered flow of thought. Self-centeredness here is like thinking that the attention of everyone around you is on you, assuming that you are the reason for something. It can also be said that they feel like an actor on stage. Risk taking may increase from time to time with the belief that 'Nothing will happen to me' (just like in a car with a faulty brake mechanism but a powerful engine...). It can be observed that the importance they attach to their privacy has increased. Depending on their age, the possibility of being left without friends, parental separation, exam anxiety, etc. They may have concerns or fears about the situation. Variations regarding self-confidence may be observed. While sometimes this confidence increases, sometimes they may experience complex emotions by seeing themselves as more incompetent than their current situation. It is a period when their efforts to get to know themselves and create an identity increase. It tries to recognize career goals, political identity, religious identity, sexual identity, intellectual identity, interests and personality traits. As these characteristics become known, changes may occur; it is a time when abandonments and restructurings are seen.

Social Developments

In a social sense, it is seen that there are more student groupings called cliques than in the past. During this period, adolescents care more about the opinions of their friends rather than their families. The preference for friendship activities rather than family activities increases. During the transition from adolescence to youth, communication, contact and sharing with the opposite sex increases. Efforts to become independent from the family and to make their own decisions are increasing. They are making attempts to determine new behaviors that are compatible with the appearance that has moved away from childhood. However, they can sometimes get stuck between childish and sometimes adult behaviors. Behaviors may be exhibited in line with the expectation of appearing perfect to the outside world (such as structured hair, make-up, clothing selection). n increased care etc.). There is an effort to transition from a child who is a family member to an individual who is a member of society.

Recommendations for Families

You may have conflicts with your child who is trying to individualize and is in search of his own identity. It will not last forever, it will ease as you reach the age of 17-20. On the other hand, not all conflicts contain negativity; this process is a clue that you are a person who is trying to make your own decisions, growing and developing. Another important point is the attitude you show towards your child. In this developmental period that changes for you and requires you to adapt, it can sometimes be worrying to observe that the bond between you and your child is changing as your child grows. You may have difficulty managing this situation. You can get the support you need. However, in terms of the behaviors you direct towards your child, sometimes acting like a child and sometimes acting like an adult will complicate this process rather than balancing it. For this reason, it will be beneficial for you to be open to communication, to have a balanced attitude appropriate to the child, his needs and development, and to monitor yourself in terms of behaviors appropriate to the growing age. Remember, changes and developments may not occur in the same order and pace for everyone. You can try to be as accepting and thought-provoking as possible in understanding some of your children's concerns about themselves and their friends. It can sometimes be difficult for teenagers and teenagers to say no to their friends. In such cases, try to understand the issue specifically for the child rather than giving advice where communication becomes singular. It is possible to say that it is important to have time spent with the family, to have safe bonds, to remember that not every conflict and disagreement is a crisis, and to have the habit of listening to each other without judging. The relationship between parents creates an important model for the adolescent. For this reason, tensions and strains between parents are important factors on the adolescent's perspective on the future and his mental health.


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