Human Papilloma Virus, or HPV virus in short, is a type of wart that can occur in both men and women within the scope of sexually transmitted diseases. The virus, which has an appearance similar to cauliflower, can manifest itself in a single or several areas and can be of various sizes. These masses, which have a hard structure, have an increasing incidence in the world. These viruses are also considered a serious health problem for both genders. While the HPV virus causes cervical cancer in women, it causes penile cancer in men. For this reason, when the HPV virus is detected, it is necessary to see a specialist doctor without delay.
HPV Vaccine
The HPV vaccine called Gardasil is a type of vaccine that does not carry live viruses. This vaccine is administered in 3 doses within a six-month period. Even if women have been vaccinated, they should continue to have pap smear tests regularly. The vaccine contains active ingredients against four different viruses that cause cervical cancer and genital warts. This vaccine can be administered to girls aged 9 and above, but it is considered appropriate for those aged 12-26. The reason for getting this vaccine so early is that it provides protection to people before they start an active sexual life and encounter any HPV type. Although it is thought that the HPV vaccine may be effective against penile cancer, anus cancer or other warts in the genital area in men, there is currently no HPV vaccine for men.
Protection from HPV Other Ways
In addition to the Gardasil vaccine, another vaccine is in the trial process to prevent HPV. It is observed that this vaccine is 70% successful against cervical cancer. This vaccine, which has just been tested, is expected to be on the market soon. In addition, it is extremely important for people to have a pap smear test regularly every year in the early diagnosis of possible cancer. In addition, condom use is very important in preventing AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, as well as cervical cancer and genital warts.
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