While the interest in popular diets has increased so much, obtaining the right information and choosing the most suitable one for ourselves has become very important for our health. In this period when we encounter new nutrition trends every day, Mind diet is one of the trends that most people do not know and are curious about.
Mind diet, which ranks among the most popular diets of 2019, focuses on the development of brain functions. So how does he do this? Which foods are eaten and what are prohibited? Who should apply it and for how long? All the details and curious questions are in this article from the expert's perspective!
Our brain health is very important for a strong memory and preventing diseases such as Alzheimer's that may occur in later ages. Proper nutrition programs implemented to keep our brain health at a high level reduce the risk of mental decline and dementia. Mind diet is a nutrition program created for this purpose that will improve both the mind and body. It was developed by medical school dietitians at Rush and Chicago Universities. It was created by combining the Mediterranean diet and DASH diet.
How is it applied?
Since the mind diet has just entered the literature, there are no definitive rules on how to apply it. Points to consider in application: The aim is to increase the consumption of some foods determined by experts and to limit the consumption of some foods. How often and how long these foods should be consumed varies from person to person.
Which Foods Should We Consume on the Mind Diet?
Green leafy vegetables: This group of foods such as spinach, cabbage, beet, arugula, cress, lettuce and chard are high in nutrients. It supports brain health, strengthens memory and keeps the brain young, as it contains high amounts of vitamin K, antioxidants, lutein and beta-carotene. It is recommended to eat at least 5-6 portions of foods in this group per week.
Vegetables: Even if they are primarily green leafy vegetables, all seasonal vegetables support the improvement of mental health. Including it in your meals every day provides maximum benefit.
Oilseeds: Foods such as walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and almonds are in the oilseeds group. The contents It prevents cognitive decline with its high amount of vitamin E. At the same time, walnut supports our brain with its omega-3 content. It is recommended to consume it in moderation every day.
Fruits: Fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and blueberries, especially those classified as 'berries', are important sources of antioxidants. Consuming fruits, especially red fruits, at least 2-3 times a week is a must in the mind diet.
Fish: Effective EPA and DHA intake is essential for brain functions. For this reason, fish, which are the main sources of omega-3, should be preferred, especially oily fish such as salmon, sardine, trout, tuna and mackerel.
Whole grains: Our brain uses glucose as the primary energy source. uses. For this reason, making the right food choices is important for effective energy use. Foods with a low glycemic index such as whole grain breads, bulgur, oats, whole wheat pasta and quinoa will be the right carbohydrate sources. It is important to take 2-3 portions every day.
Pure olive oil: Olive oil, one of the healthiest sources of vegetable oil, contributes to preventing Alzheimer's and strengthening memory. It should be consumed every day and should be the preferred fat source in meals.
Poultry: Foods such as chicken and turkey cooked in healthy ways are healthy protein sources. Adequate protein intake is important for brain functions. For this reason, include these foods in your diet 2-3 times a week.
Beans: Include this group of foods such as beans, lentils and soybeans in your meals at least 3-4 times a week. It is recommended in the mind diet.
Wine: Although not essential, moderate wine consumption is effective in preventing Alzheimer's disease. It delays aging and supports the brain with the resveratrol it contains. Consuming 1-2 glasses per week is beneficial.
Which Foods Should We Limit Consume on the Mind Diet?
Red Meat: 2- Drinks per week Consuming more than 3 portions is not recommended.
Fat sources such as butter and margarine: Consumption of these foods, which are classified as saturated fat sources, is limited.
Refined Cheese Types: Consumption of especially fatty cheeses should not exceed 50-60 grams per week.
Pastries and all products with refined sugar: Pastries such as cakes, pies, pastries. and all sugary, packaged foods are limited.
Fast Food: Consumption of foods such as fried fast foods, hamburgers and pizza is not recommended.
Effects of Mind Diet on Health
Mind Diet, whose most important function is to improve the brain, positively affects many health parameters. Consuming whole grains and reducing refined sugar reduces the risk of diabetes, and increasing consumption of vegetables and fruits protects against many diseases such as cancer. Limiting red meat consumption and saturated fat protects against possible coronary diseases by supporting the decrease in LDL cholesterol. For this reason, it can be said that the mind diet is a healthy diet in general. However, before application, a dietitian should be consulted.
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