First of all, it is necessary to explain what communication means and why it is done, starting from the very foundation.
Communication problems form the basis of many problems we experience. This will happen as long as we continue to think that speaking is communication, do not pay attention to non-violent communication, and do not take into account that listening and understanding correctly is as important as speaking.
One of the reasons for the disconnection in communication is that we lack self-confidence and do not know ourselves. We cannot control our emotions due to these two interrelated reasons. Because we cannot make sense of our feelings. We are disturbed, hesitant and afraid of things we cannot understand. We cannot take control of the things we fear. When our own self-esteem is a huge, shiny vase full of cracks, a small blow from the outside creates a strong echo inside. We must first dedicate ourselves to improving in this regard. At the very least, we should clearly define what we expect from human relations. The clearer we make the expectations from the outside world, the less harmful it will have an impact on us.
And most importantly, this should not be forgotten: Although language is the most effective way of communication, it is a type of communication that has flaws. The actual meaning varies depending on the impact it has on our mood; In other words, the words we choose may vary depending on the individual meanings we attribute to those words, and we may not be able to fully convey these meanings to the other party.
I have compiled how we can deal with our communication problems, which are today's giant problems, as follows.
With the communication problem. let's look at ways to cope;
Define the Problem; Be realistic and state what the real problem is. Recognize the problem and put it into a certain logic; To solve your problem, you must perceive it well.
Listen to the Other Person Actively: Active listening is the most helpful ingredient in solving many problems. Listening to the other person is the way to find the problem and show you what the source of the problem is and how it can be solved. Respect; Respect the other person's opinions, problems, wishes and point of view. This will be an effective way to make him respect you too. agree Speak slowly and adjust your tone of voice; A high tone of voice is an indication of fight and argument. Adjust your voice; Speak in a soft, understandable, constructive tone of voice. If the person in front of you is very angry and shouting; continue the conversation after they become quiet.
Keep Your Nerves Under Control; If you do not have a psychopathological disorder (panic attack, bipolar, paranoid) in this regard, try some methods (get fresh air, do breathing exercises, stay alone, wash your hands with cold water and touch the back of your neck) to control your nerves.
In short, talk, write, try to understand. Take as an example the masterful use of diplomacy by sovereign states, and learn to use your own diplomacy skillfully. The aim is to exchange information, not war; Even if there is a war, know that there is etiquette.
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