Neurofeedback (attention deficit improving exercises) is called biofeedback or neuro exercise. Neurofeedback is also a method used in situations related to changed brain wave amplitudes such as stress, sleep disorders, learning difficulties, and concentration development.
There are approximately one trillion cells located in different activity zones in the brain tissue. These cells create 4 different brain waves, from very fast to very slow. According to recent research, a decrease in brain wave activity is observed in the brain wave activities of people with concentration and focus problems, in the areas that enable focus, regulation of thought and feeling.
Research shows that by doing correct training exercises with brain waves, it is possible to improve and regulate focus. . Neurofeedback exercise is a learning process that improves concentration. With neurofeedback exercise, exercise is applied to the brain areas that will strengthen the concentration control, emotion and behavioral areas of the brain. Thus, you learn to control your brain rhythm, which will increase the daily functioning of your brain. Neurofeedback exercise can be likened to tuning a piano or tuning a car engine so that it works more accurately and efficiently.
In concentration-improving studies, a connected neurofeedback exercise device is used. With the neurofeedback exercise device, you learn to move objects on the computer screen. Meanwhile, he manages the games and objects displayed on the screen by focusing with his concentration skill. The images on the screen provide feedback to the person about attention skills at different levels.
These exercises that improve attention provide development in the regions that manage brain functions through 2 mechanisms:
Myelin sheath development
Research shows that new neuronal networks are formed in brain regions where concentration-improving exercises are applied. It is developing and the brain is developing to learn what to do better and how to do it. Myelin sheath development in neural networks provides faster information transmission.
Using concentration functions at a higher level is beneficial. In the following situations, Neurofeedback exercises and exercises that improve the ability to focus are applied:
Thinking more clearly and improving mental clarity
Concentration Increasing learning skills with increased mental flexibility
Moving from one subject to another faster with increased mental flexibility , regulating emotions, thoughts and behaviors
Better timing adjustment and increasing attention skills in sports activities
Attention exercises, mental It effectively provides benefits in increasing performance. Although high mental performance can be achieved in some periods of life, it is generally difficult to repeat and maintain it. However, the person who learns to manage thoughts efficiently and use emotions more efficiently with these exercises provides permanent improvement in his ability to improve and maintain his mental performance.
By monitoring the brain waves that manage the concentration skill, improving exercises are applied for the ability to focus and sustain. Neurofeedback, a computer-assisted concentration exercise program applied with certain exercises, is based on the student's reorganization of his own concentration system in response to the signals he receives from the focus center. Particularly, attention exercises are preferred for students who have difficulty concentrating.
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