The Key to Purification: Natural Nutrition

Another important ingredient in the detox program is nutrition with natural foods. When we say natural nutrition, vegetables and fruits that come to mind play a key role. Much more important than the discussion of buying these fruits and vegetables from markets, organic stores or shopping malls is to make sure that they are natural and have the least contact with pesticides. If our means allow, it is of course the healthiest to use our own grown fruit and vegetables. In addition, cooking methods of these natural foods are also very important. If you cut the zucchini that you bought fresh in its full form, wait for it and fry it, do not wait for purification. Let your cooking speak for itself in preparing and cooking with appropriate methods. The roles of vegetables and fruits in a natural and healthy diet are unquestionably at the highest level; but during the purification periods, the importance of some increases much more.

Tomato: Rich in beta carotene and zinc, this vegetable protects against cancer, delays aging, strengthens your immune system.

Artichoke: In addition to having positive effects on blood sugar and cholesterol, it is a full liver

Celleri: This vegetable, which helps in balancing blood sugar and high blood pressure, shows itself in detox programs with its ability to relax the digestive system.

Cucumber: It shows the most important effect in detox programs as a diuretic (edema remover).

Garlic-Onion: Increases the activities of detoxification (purification) enzymes, strengthens immunity.

Ginger: Relieves the digestive system.

Parsley: In addition to its kidney cleansing feature, it contains Thanks to its high amount of vitamin C, it gives vitality in detox programs.

Cabbage: It protects the heart and liver.

Dandelion: It is liver friendly. It provides an important defense against oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species.

Apricot-Red plum : These vegetables, which are rich in fiber and potassium, help to remove toxins by increasing bowel movements.

Kiwi-Cherry: It is rich in potassium and vitamin C. Especially the diuretic effect of sour cherry is high.

Cherry: It is a detox fruit famous for its effect in eliminating edema.

Blackberries: Folic acid mainly This fruit, which is rich in many vitamins and minerals, strengthens the immune system.

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