How do intrauterine device (spiral) prevent pregnancy?

Intrauterine devices of different shapes and sizes can be made of pure plastic or copper. Hormone-releasing types of the spiral have also been produced in recent years. The spiral creates a reaction like a foreign body in the uterus. As a result of this
reaction, an environment that kills sperm is formed in the uterus. Such an environment also affects the inside of the
tubes and prevents the fertilization of the egg. Even if fertilization occurs, the environment inside the uterus prevents pregnancy by preventing the fertilized egg from settling. The protection rate is 97-99%.

What are the additional advantages of using hormonal intrauterine devices?

Hormonal intrauterine devices intensify the cervical secretion, reduce the mobility of the tubes and reduce sperm
eggs. It provides additional protection by disrupting the relationship. Types containing gestagen hormone produced in recent years
can be used for a longer period of time (5 years) than types containing progesterone hormone (1 year). With this type of intrauterine device, complaints such as weight gain, headache, long-lasting and painful bleeding are minimized.

How is the intrauterine device applied, what should be taken into consideration?

The intrauterine device is placed in the uterus on the 3rd-4th day of menstruation. Pain is rarely felt during this procedure, which takes a few minutes. Following the gynecological examination, the cervix is ​​cleaned and disinfected with a solution. The cervix is ​​fixed with an instrument and the spiral is placed inside the uterine canal. Antibiotics can be used to prevent
infection. If there is an infection in the genital organs, the spiral should be inserted after the infection is treated.

What are the advantages of the intrauterine device?

The intrauterine device prevents pregnancy from the moment it is inserted and provides protection for up to eight years. . If desired,
intrauterine devices can be removed immediately and replaced with a new one, and pregnancy can be achieved immediately after removal.
Intrauterine devices do not affect sexual intercourse and breastfeeding, are economical and have few side effects.

Disadvantages of intrauterine devices. What are they?

Intrauterine device users may experience groin pain, vaginal discharge, and breakthrough bleeding. The amount of menstrual bleeding
increases and bleeding may last longer. Application and removal may be painful. Prevent infections transmitted through sexual contact
mez. The incidence of infection in the reproductive organs increases.

When should the intrauterine device be removed?

If complaints increase, recurrent infections occur in the reproductive organs, if the intrauterine device is moved
or there is cancer in the cervix. If there is any doubt, the intrauterine device should be removed.

Can I feel the strings of the intrauterine device?

The strings of the intrauterine device extend out of the cervix, you can check these strings by touching them.

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