Viral Warts

Viral warts are infections involving the skin and mucosa caused by infection with Papillomaviruses. The lesions may remain silent for a long time or they may increase in number and grow over the years.
They are most commonly seen in children and young adults. The incidence rate in the society is approximately more than 10%. Most people have the infection throughout their lives. It is more common in girls. Generally, individuals who carry the virus but have subclinical infection are the source of infection.
Infection is transmitted from person to person by direct contact or indirect contact through infected surfaces or objects. Anogenital warts can also be transmitted sexually.

Transmission of viral warts:

Contagion depends on reasons such as the location of the lesion, the amount of virus in the current infection, the degree of contact, the state of the immune system of the person exposed to the infection, and trauma. . Minor damage to the skin surface, disruption of skin integrity, abrasions and scratches on the skin make it easier for the virus to be transmitted. A person who has been previously infected is more likely to develop new warts. The incubation period of the disease can be as long as 4-5 months. The lesions manifest as sharply defined, skin-colored or sometimes brown bumps. Today, there are more than 130 types of these viruses. Some of them cause disease on the fingers, knees and elbows, some on the soles of the feet, some on the face, and some in the genital area. In the treatment of warts, the age of the patient, the prevalence and duration of the lesions, and the immune status of the person should be taken into consideration. For warts in the genital area, sexual partners should also be examined and treated if necessary. A smear test should be performed in women. In the treatment of warts, more than one treatment is usually used in stages or in combination. It still cannot be treated completely and there is a possibility of recurrence. Sometimes spontaneous regression and recovery may occur. In the treatment, damaging treatments such as cauterization and cryotherapy, chemically damaging drugs, laser treatments, and immunotherapies can be applied.

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